
The Weird Things About Me



2 Years
10-15-2013, 05:07 PM
Here comes the crazy <3 Where to begin..

-I suffer from debilitating arachnophobia. If I see a spider, I literally scream and cry and run away from it as fast as I can. And you realllly wouldn't want to be around me if I find a spider ON me. I turn into a bat from hell and freak the fuck out.

-I had a really rough childhood, and my life is still pretty rough even now. My parents divorced when I was 7, and I suffered from suicidal tendencies off and on since then. I got roped into drugs and drinking, partying and fighting, etc, all at a very early age. I actually spent 3 years being tossed back and forth from detention centers, rehabs, psych centers, residential treatment centers, group homes, etc. Every time I went to court I had to listen to my judge tell my parents that they could take me home whenever, and listen to them say that they didn't want me. I was released from placement in March of 2013 and proceeded to go batshit crazy with my new-found freedom. I got into much harder drugs over the summer (cocaine, molly, heroin, etc) and literally was an alcoholic. I'm much better now though ^.^ I still get cravings, but I handle them. I've been arrested several times, BUT I SWEAR I'M NOT A CRIMINAL. I just make really stupid decisions and regret them tenfold afterwards. Yeah, I've had it rough, but I'm trying as hard as I can not to give up.

-Not to brag or anything, but I'm actually a pretty amazing singer <3 My music is everything. I was in a rock band for awhile o.o

-I'm considered 'popular', and I hang out with a lot of people, which actually seems highly contrary to how I see myself xD I'm a complete nerd, I don't get it.

-I listen to nothing but rock and country. I absolutely despise rap and hip hop, which is what the majority of my friends listen to.

-Yeah, I'm pretty. But I'm like the most insecure person you'll ever meet. To be completely honest, I hate myself. I hate the things that I do and the decisions I make, but I can't help it. I do really shitty things and I really DON'T know why.

-I'm slightly self-deprecating, if you can't tell.

-I'm obsessed with The Vampire Diaries. Like, beyond obsessed. It's serious xD

-For some reason, I'm extremely intelligent. My IQ is far above average, and yet I do very stupid things. It really doesn't make sense at all.

-I'm way too nice, and I would literally put my life on the line for a complete stranger. I let people walk all over me, and I don't stand up for myself, ever. I try to be the nicest I can be so people don't have a reason to hate me (and I won't have to deal with feeling like poo every time that person says mean things), but it doesn't work >.>

-I'm trying. I'm trying so hard to pull myself out of this depression, out of this hole I've dug myself into. But it's literally gotten to the point where I can't see the light anymore. Things are ceasing to have meaning for me, and that's how you know I'm about to spiral. I'm scared.