
Cracks in the Facade




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-02-2022, 03:33 AM

As the abusive brutes hips continued to slam roughly into her own, Ikigai did cry out into the furs, though she tried to keep it as quiet as possible. It was impossible not to make some sort of sound when he kept slamming against her with such force. Deimos squeezed the back of her skull with one giant paw and Iki tasted fear on her tongue. Was he going to kill her? Surely he wouldn't do such a thing... right? Thankfully, he released her a moment later only to latch his teeth in the back of her neck instead. As he pulled her head back, a slight whine eked between the woman's clenched teeth. She just had to endure. He couldn't last forever, then she would be free from the pain and torment.

Claws dug harshly into the tender flesh of her hip and Iki was certain that he'd drawn blood there as well. His pace became staggered and she could tell that he was close. Just a little while longer, she told herself, willing him silently to finish so that this could all end. The battered woman could feel Deimos shudder atop her and she knew that he was spent. Finally, it was over.

Iki expected him to release her and fall asleep, but instead he wrapped himself around her and pulled her down onto the furs. Her whole body felt bruised and battered. Deimos held her almost tenderly as he muttered against her silken fur. His words startled her and Ikigai instantly felt conflicted. It... sounded like he cared, yet his actions moments before spoke otherwise. As she lay there, silently sobbing, the woman tried to understand what might have been running through the purple brutes mind. What was he feeling that made him react in such a way? Was it all the drink? Would he regret it in the morning? Well, she didn't plan to be there in the morning. Once Deimos was truly and deeply asleep, Iki extracted herself carefully from his grasp. She then collected some heavily scented soap and a few dry skins and made her way out of the cave and down to the water. She would have to wash away the evidence. The wounds on her face, however... those couldn't be washed away or hidden beneath heavy perfumes.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]