
Veteran’s Plateau Altar



Expert Fighter (160)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
11-02-2022, 06:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2022, 10:01 AM by Nyx. Edited 2 times in total.)
Tor squinted at the rough stone statue, then nodded to himself. Yeah, this was the sort of dignified, fierce and war like sort of guy that he thought could have been his grandfather's vision of a perfect Imperialis. He was still going by Regni and hadn't yet distinguished himself enough to go by Imperialis, but Tor had confidence that he would. But being confident didn't mean you couldn't cheat a little, like asking a god to get you there a little faster. Swaggering up with a sharp knife, he poked the familiars aside, then laid his head on the altar until he was satisfied with his position. Help me earn my name. Then, with the knife attached via it's strap to his paw... He sliced through the flap of his ear in a gout of blood. Yeah. Perfect. What was left of his cropped ear was a tall sharp point, the rest of it left at the statue's paws. "Cool," was all he said, giving his head a shake that speckled blood everywhere. He left the knife layin beside the ear, then turned and walked away.


As you cut your ear from your head you hear a few hushed whispers from around you, one in particular that sounds like “another ear?” But it’s shushed so loudly it drowns out the words. You shake your head when you’re done, splattering blood on the stone and turn to go when you find your legs locked, your knees rigid and unmoving. You cock your head to the side in confusion and try a few more times to move, only managing to wobble a little bit with the effort.

You glance around about to ask for help when you realize everyone is looking up at the statue and you too turn your gaze to look up, the eyes which had only hinted at a red glow are bright,so bright, nearly blinding and you have to narrow your eyes to keep looking at them. The largest cloud of red fireflies you’ve ever seen burst from the stone eyes of the statue with a violence you’d expect to shatter the figure, all of them converging on you, you flail your head uselessly as you are covered in the flies, feeling them starting to crawl into your nose, shoving themselves behind your eyeballs and burrowing under your skin. The swarm from around one of your eyes for a moment and you can just make out the world in front of you. A single firefly lazily drifts towards the knife you left on the stone.

It lands on the blade and everything stops, the life squirming under your skin freezes, the flies you could feel worming their way up your nasal cavity towards your brain suddenly stop in their tracks, the occasional twitching of wings feels like a tickle. Then just as suddenly as it started they all swarm back out. It’s just as unpleasant as when they were entering your whole body, but they all leave, swarming the knife and the red and black cloud lift it upwards and somehow, you don’t know how, pull it into the eye of the statue.

The tabby steps forward, looking up at the once more still eyes of the statue and it gives a whistle. Then it turns its dumbfounded gaze on you, clearly it is just as confused as you are. A scraggly looking ferret bounds towards the tabby who looks at her with the same confused expression, slowly taking the pouch the ferret was offering it and it offers you the pouch in a daze. “I’ll be honest, I have no idea what just happened. Generally I’d offer some comment about caring more for your body but I guess the knife balanced everything out?” The cat shrugs and you decide it’s probably a good idea to get out of here before it’s decided the knife wasn’t good enough actually, get out of here and just tell yourself it was all a daydream. Unfortunately for that notion, you will continue to sneeze out some very snot covered flies for a few days.

You have received:
Minor mutation pass

Staff: Used on Zeitgeist Junior for kudu horns