
sorry for the trespass!

solo nav & healing under 1 year



Master Navigator (333)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

2 Years

Samhain 2022
11-02-2022, 09:14 AM
She was about to turn a year old. The itch to go out and see the world beyond the maze was growing with each day. Farther and farther, Rheum would travel without her uncle or siblings to see different areas of Auster. Knowing every corner and crevice of the maze was just not enough for her anymore! There were so many other different terrains to experience that she finally set off. Away from the maze and the bay, away from her family and pack mates, to see the big wide world around her. Rheum had promised her parents that she would stick around Auster for a while in case she was in need of help before making her way to Boreas. She would bring back different plants and herbs to her mother for inspection to help grow her knowledge of healing.

This time, the plum and magenta girl would set off north toward the Bifrost. Passing through several different types of forests from dragon's blood to cedar to oak and now as she looked up to the canopy, maple. Large leaves spread out, casting a magical filter of light onto the worn grassy path beneath her paws. While the pungent scent of the Hallows infiltrated her nostrils, she couldn't resist exploring the grove. For some reason or another, this area surrounding the castle had been cast into a bubble of autumn; which had already passed for Auster. Even as she glanced around, she could see the remnants of snow that had only been there days prior. All of it was fascinating as her lips parted slightly letting out a quiet sound of awe. How did anyone not want to spend forever here?

Would it eventually pass? Rheum thought to herself as she continued down a path toward the center of the grove. Once she was used to the smell of the Hallows wolves, her nose would twitch and tingle at the perfumey scent of herbs and the sweet twinge of ripe berries. Her bright yellow gaze would pass around and as she looked, she noticed there was more than just blackberries here. Blueberries, elderberries, salmonberries, raspberries, so many for her to recognize. As she continued to assess with her nose lowering closer to the surrounding shrubs, she noticed wood anemone, trout lily, wild geranium, aster, ferns of all different types, and even some wild ginger. Of course, there was plenty more, but it was nearly overwhelming for her. How was she going to catalog all of this to report back to her mum with this much in abundance?

Maybe she would pick just one. But which one? Standing in the middle of the grove, her chin slightly turned downward, her ears flickered back and forth. She watched the surrounding woodland thrive in front of her eyes. Squirrels, rabbits, ferrets, and foxes scattered from bush to tree limb. Dashing in and out of holes and burrows, she even spied a few frogs and butterflies flitting and jumping. Growing still, she tried to be as quiet as possible so the nature that enveloped her wouldn't notice her presence. It was as if they knew she meant no harm. It was too bad that she wanted to explore the world and see what was out there or she might have contemplated requesting to stay within the Hallows for a bit of time so she could do some research.

Minutes passed as she watched the scenery around her before deciding to go find that one plant she would take back for a quick trip home. Taking a slow pace down the path that wound her deeper into the grove, it was not long until she noticed a rather abundant plant that she didn't quite recognize. Her brow knitted together as she approached the vibrant green plant with big leaves. Inspecting it, Rheum noticed it kind of looked that one plant she and Fuji had brought home that had gotten them into trouble... Taking a deep sniff of it, Rheum recognized the scent as mintier than the skunky stench of Cannabis. Why had her mum not introduced her to this one before?

Getting closer, Rheum stuck her tongue out to lick one of the leaves. It was fuzzy to the touch and very minty! Making a squinting face as she lurched backward, she gave her head a shake. "Well, that wasn't my best idea," she mumbled to herself before taking another whiff. Looking at it, she noticed the stem had bushy little growths on it that were slightly purple in color. Were these its flower? Lilting her head to the side as she took a better look at the plant, quite enjoying the scent and calming effect it seemed to have. "I wonder what it's called," Rheum whispered, her lips pursing for a moment. As a minute or so passed and there were no adverse reactions to her licking the leaf, the young girl reached out gingerly with her teeth to break off a good-sized bushel. Ensuring the piece she grabbed had plenty of leaves and flower buds on it, she stepped back and placed it delicately in the pouch hanging off her shoulder.

"Time to get this back to mum," her smile grew as she started back down the path toward the southern borders of the grove.

/Exit Rheum unless stopped

first solo herb-collecting & exploration under 1 year