
alabaster dreams




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
11-02-2022, 02:51 PM

Incubus waited patiently at the border. Pink and blue eyes took in the sights before him. Following the rustling of leaves or the snap of a branch. Anticipation welled in his chest but he swallowed down any nerves as someone finally approached. His gaze landed upon that of his sister, Venom. The lithe Empress moved towards him with only mild curiosity playing at her features. A single word escaped her lips as she awaited whatever it was Incubus had to offer.

Before any verbiage the male dipped his head down in a respectful bow and as he straightened back up a single word of his own was heard, "Empress." A small grin slipped across his lips as he stood in a neutral stance. Incubus was in the presence of true power and wouldn't allow his usual dominant nature to peek through. Of all the sovereigns in these lands Venom was the only one he inherently respected, perhaps Recluse as well but he didn't know if she was still on the throne or not.

"Thank you for coming." A small flattery before continuing on. "I've spent some time now as a loner." A small chuckle fell into his next words, "And I rather enjoyed most of that time." A pause. "But, within the last season or two the enticing nature of such a life has slowly waned." Incubus watched her carefully as he spoke. "I've come to Ashen in hopes of joining your ranks. - In the last season I have spent a lot of time reflecting on what my ambitions are moving forward and I'd like to be a part of our families growth and prosperity." A pause. "I've spent a good amount of time sparring and wish to continue down that path to be a capable warrior to add to your ranks."

He took a moment before deicing to continue briefly, "I have no allegiances in this world other then to my blood. I've not seen my littermates or many others of my kin in some time. If you would be so inclined to accept me into your ranks my loyalties would lie solely with Ashen." He couldn't offer much. Incubus had just been a rogue for seasons upon season. But, she could utilize his untainted loyalties. Instead of inflicting dramatics or self-serving plots upon their pack he chose to leave and merely lead his own life in his youth.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]