
burn through the witches



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-15-2013, 07:19 PM

The girls stare turned to the ground for a few moments as the meeting went on. Her cold glare would come to rest upon Canttina as she adressed her and the other beaten woman as her "little lovelies." What the hell was going on through the sick mind of this woman? Avalon glanced around at the others, obviously they were just as putrid as the witch before them, except for the other slave who looked beaten down to the core. Avalon's heart went out to her, and she would cast a quick glance to her that would be unseen by the others. Perhaps her and the other woman could become friends...maybe plan an escape. Avalon wanted out of here more then anything...why had she gone away from their safe haven to explore by herself?

Returning her stare upon the masked witch, she kept her mouth shut. She was not even two years old, and she was in the pits of this hell. What was she going to say? That she would offer her size and strength to fight? Ha! Avalon would never for for this wicked pack...she figured that upon reaching two years of age, she would be at her full height. Just a few more months, and then maybe she could challenge for her freedom as she would be bigger then her captor then. For now, she would bide her time and wait it out...

The girl flicked an ear, her back left leg lifted slightly off the ground as she kept the weight off of it. Canttina had done a number on her, but Avalon was strong and she would not give in to the punishment that would come. After some thought, she figured that the best she could do was speak up in what she could do to "help." Though she sure as hell wouldn't offer to fight, that was for sure. Not with or for them. Ever. She thought bitterly. "I...have some healing knowledge..." She murmured.



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