


10-15-2013, 07:24 PM

Typical Isardis. Of course he would not answer her question, but instead would ramble on about something she didn't quiet understand. His pink pebble would clash with her own, but he would recoil and practically laugh. She could only wonder what went on inside his head. Why did he touch her, then recoil as if it were a sin? She was his now, he needed to act like it. Where was the seductive man she met that day on the ice? Had he lost his luster? Eyes would roll within their sockets as she fought off a sigh. Oh Isardis, why did you have to be a puzzle? "Can't just answer my question? Gotta make it into something else?" She would say teasing him. She meant no harm by it, but she did mean what she said. Why couldn't he just tell her what made his tick the way he did? It was frustrating. ?Darling there is no fun in cheating the game." He would say as he made it clear that he did not crave her touch. Typical Isardis. "Cheating? Now how am I cheating ghost?" She would ask as she rose further up. Back legs pushed against the earth as she stood up, but she still didn't reach anywhere near his height. She was still young, and still would be a small woman when she was full grown. "Is it because I'm already starting to figure you out? Or is it because I'm not quivering in your wake?" She would say, lips creasing into a smirk as her gaze yearned to meet his. She enjoyed playing games, he should remember that much.