
Somebody dies tonight


10-15-2013, 07:43 PM

The fawn?s heartbeat had been a staccato-like thrum, clinging desperately to invisible strands of hope. It had flooded his mouth, fluttering against his tongue like some caged thing searching for a freedom denied. Now it slowed, a lethargic, arduous march meeting its final jolts of life. It was such a lulling tempo that pulsed through his veins that Nibelheim?s violent energy gradually began to dissipate. Although this did not persuade him from holding the does stare with mute antagonism, daring her to do something other than flee.

Nibelheim chuckled at the mother?s obvious distress from where he hovered over her fawn. With her only reason to remain in the area currently in the vice-like grip of the marauding wolf, the doe truly had no reason to linger. But she had waited too long, endured the gory scene only for another assailant to descend into the scene, starting both prey and predator alike.

Having been so enthusiastically riveted by his inopportune stare down, the russet defender had been utterly unaware of his surroundings up until that point. The instinct to scent the area or move his item to a secure location had been exchanged for the preferred sadistic torture that devouring his kill in the clearing would have provided and it was his violent behavior that now tore a sharp sound of alarm from the brute.

The wolf rolled as the shadow of the slighter animal passed overhead, a snarl broaching his lips as he was forced to release the fawn in order to evade the presumed attack. He shot up from his crouch, hissing and growling to ward off the perceived threat only to discover that the fleet-footed spy had bypassed him entirely. No, her target had not been him but the wide-eyed doe now falling to the experienced huntress.

Being that Nibelheim was an opportunist by nature, watching the struggle between the two animals was considerable entertainment. Especially because he felt inclined to believe the smaller canine was making an effort to outdo him ? or something in that respect. Moments ticked passed and the female prevailed over her target, unscathed if not slightly winded from her opponents thrashing. A wry smile curved the brutes lips still slick with blood of the fallen as she addressed him with an apology and then an offer to share in the spoils of her labors. It was a bewildering proposal had he ever heard one.

Loners were typically more covetous of their meals as they were harder to come by. There was also the factor that he outweighed her by a good margin, taller and physically more robust than she, he could simply take her prize had he the motivation to do so. ?No harm done.? He snorted brusquely as his thoughts began to churn. Was this a peace offering to ensure that she was nourished, a plot to lure him close, or none of the above? His paranoia didn?t seem to agree that she was acting out of the goodness of her heart but Nibelheim could attest to having been wrong before.

?Feliis-ita?? Accent heavy syllables mangled the females name and the brute frowned, knowing it was not correct. ?Verzeihung, I am not used to your tongue. But if you are okay, I call you Feli?" He forward a step, tempted by her larger kill. He still had Cashmere to worry about and if possible he'd like to see her have more than scraps while simultaneously not depriving himself of nutrients. "I am Nibelheim. You do not object sharing?"
