First Rule Of Fight Club...
Desponia, Ifrit, Albion, Fia Fighting Lesson
11-03-2022, 05:18 PM
Standing in a group of mostly pups and yearlings attending a training led by a boy that hardly looked to be the type to go charging into a fight felt ridiculous, but at this point he was doing pretty much anything to get his sister off of his back. He had forgotten how much more peaceful life was when he was the only one that could tell him what to do, but now he was in too deep to back out. Perhaps if he hadn't met Ikigai and he hadn't found himself in this marriage that made this important alliance he would have rethought this decision to join his family again, but since that wasn't the case he figured he should do the song and dance of going through these trainings and such until he proved himself. He sat back on his haunches, listening as the question of where the best place to land a killing blow was. Several agreed on the throat—which wasn't a bad call, of course—but the pale brute that he had seen hanging around with his niece mentioned a bate at the base of the skull. "That's always been a favorite of mine as well," he agreed, giving Albion a small smirk before he looked back to Ricin to await their next question or point.