Tarot Cards For Dummies
11-03-2022, 11:51 PM
Kite missed her mother, and she was sick and tired of all the vagueness surrounding the whole thing. She wanted a straight answer, and someone to treat her like she wasn’t a dummy. If their mother had left them, she wanted to know it! Especially since a creeping insecurity wondered if maybe she’d gone because Kite wasn’t good enough.
But it was good to find a distraction, and she tagged along with Andy to the bonfire. Finding them a good place to sit as her sister wandered off to grab something. Her butt was towards the fire, and when Andy returned to her, her sister sat facing her, so she could see the cool fire without it affecting Kite. the crystal eyed girl huffed a breath, and slumped onto her paws. It was great that Andy was hanging out with her, but she couldn’t help but feel her sister would rather be closer to the event than hanging out in the shadows with her sister.
“What kind of pictures?” she asked, as Andy presented the game to her. Her sister read out the rules, and asked her to concentrate on a question. Well! Kite could do that. Am I good enough for my mum?” she thought, squinting hard at Andy as she concentrated on ‘projecting’ the thought. ‘Okay, ready”