
Honey, honey, you're my favorite drug



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-04-2022, 03:24 AM

The two wolves laid there in one another's embraces for what felt like a blissful eternity. Tucked away in the darkness of their private bedroom, entwined together in the way lovers and soulmates were meant to be, it all just felt so right. Alastor knew what he'd been lacking in his life, what he'd been missing when he and Manea fought and fell apart, but they had both been too stubborn and prideful to make the first moves toward recovery. Turned out all it took was a slap. The powder keg that was their relationship took care of the rest after that. Alastor had never once even considered a reality in which Relm took Manea's place. Even at their worst, when they'd yelled and seethed at one another and she'd gone off to suck her boyfriend's cock while he'd fucked his anger out into Relm, he never once thought that the pink woman would replace his violet queen. Even now, he couldn't consider that a possible reality because of how absurd it sounded. No matter how badly or violently he and Manea fell apart, he was confident that nothing would ever sever the ties that bound them together.

While he relaxed into the familiar bedding he'd missed so dearly, his beautiful, sexy wife pulled her svelte body further up his frame, wrapping her long slender legs around his neck to press loving kisses to his lips. Alastor returned each and every one, murring under his breath with delighted rumbled from within his broad chest. Just like Manea, he too felt the urging call of their primal instincts wanting to fall back into those carnal pleasures with his mate after spending weeks apart, but he reminded himself that there would be plenty of time for all the make up sex they could handle. There was no harm in some early morning cuddling while they mended the rift in their marriage. After all, if there was one thing last night should have shown Manea, it was that his lust for her had never abated during their time apart. Manea's quiet hums of pleasure brought a proud smirk to the demon wolf's lips, his massive paws still roaming over her feminine curves, giving her shapely hips an appreciative caress and her rump a lecherous squeeze. His movements were slow, methodical, as if he were worshipping her body with his paws, and in a way perhaps he was. Alastor wanted to make Manea feel good in every conceivable way, no matter how big or small the gesture.

Manea's sigh brought the dire brute's eyes to open again, peering up through half-open lids into the aquatic gaze of the fae atop of him, leaning his cheek into her paws while she stroked and caressed his face. His wife's words surprised him a little. She was willingly accepting his fucked up relationship with Relm? The why was answered for him when Manea explained that all she really wanted was for Alastor to be with her every night. The usually cold and demented wolf felt his heart wrench knowing that Manea had suffered equal amounts if not more than he had for his absence at night. She had found their nights apart the worst. Alastor could attest to that. During the day, it was easy enough to distract himself with his pack duties or banging Relm. But at night... when he was lying awake and alone, that was when reality hit him the worst. While he was still getting over his initial shock, Manea was adding another condition, one that genuinely took him off guard. His brows knitted together, and one of his roaming paws moved up to stroke the back of Manea's head comfortingly.

"Heavens would burn and hells would freeze before I could ever hate you, my soulmate," he rumbled in reply. "I don't intend to break our laws. I also do not intend to spend my days with Relm. Our relationship isn't like that. You don't need shared custody of me. All I wanted was the same freedoms you took with Irilyth and that albino fucker. I want to be able to care for her and be passionate with her like you are with them without worrying if you're going to go off on me for it. She is no replacement nor substitute for you, Manea. I will manage my time with her better, and ensure that the fae I committed myself to takes precedent like she always should have." Alastor leaned his muzzle up a fraction of an inch to catch Manea's lips with his own again in a tender kiss. "I'm very sorry I missed our anniversary night." There was a genuine sincerity behind those obsidian eyes while Alastor did the exceptionally rare and admitted fault. "I don't suppose you'd give me another shot to make it up to you...?"

"Manea & Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
