
Lessons On Making Things

Fiametta <3


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-04-2022, 03:30 AM
The way that Fiametta watches and silently assess the world around her, speaks to an intelligent mind that some may not see or appreciate. She reminds Ricin of when he was a pup and how his interest in stories and things none of his siblings liked often went over looked or, worse, was completely ignored. Maybe that is why he chose for them to make bracelets since many may think that they are useless. Truthfully, they can actually be very useful as something to trade… if they don’t end up giving them away or keeping them.

Ricin lays out the first part of the bracelet making, picking out the strands and knotting them. Ruby gaze watches as Fiametta works and nods encouragingly while saying, “Good job! Have you made bracelets before?” A dark brow raises as he chuckles lightly as he watches her hook the knot around the nail while doing the same with his own. Using a paw, he spreads the stripes apart while explaining, “We will be braiding these together but, as we go, we will be adding in beads and other trinkets. They will be in the middle. Now, when you braid, the strips change places. Here, let me show you.”

Pulling a few colorful beads toward him, Ricin grabs on with a golden hue before picking up the middle strip of leather and carefully threading the bead onto it. Pushing it up to where the knot is, the light blue boy then takes the piece on the right side and crosses it over the middle before moving that to the side and making the old right strip the new middle one. Picking another bead, this one a bright coral color, he threads it onto the new middle piece and, again, pushes it up to the top, before moving that strip so it is over top of left strip and moving the left one to become the new middle thread.

Looking to Fia, he says, “As you go, just remember to keep pushing the beads all the way up to the top and, when you braid, make sure that they are strong and tight. Okay?” A brow lifts in question as he pulls some different items toward himself, preparing to continue working on his bracelet while helping the girl whenever she needs it.

"Ricin Dauner"