
First Rule Of Fight Club...

Desponia, Ifrit, Albion, Fia Fighting Lesson


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-04-2022, 03:54 AM

The fighters begin to arrive and Ricin remains seated, offering each of them a small smile as they filter in. Once everyone has arrived, he greets them, posing his simple question to the group. Desponia seems bored or angry at this whole thing but speaks up, offering the throat. Nodding, he looks to Ifrit as the huge male speaks up, offering the same idea and another; the heart. Another nod as his ruby gaze slides across the group, spying the quiet yet observant Fia among the ranks. Albion speaks up next and his gaze moves to the pale boy, nodding to his addition of the base of skull before moving to Deimos who agrees with Albion’s answer.

When it is clear there will be no more options, Ricin says, “All great options there! And they would be the best ways to kill an opponent. However, today’s lesson is about adapting and figuring out how to kill an opponent in full armor.” A grin splits his maw as the boy stands, moving over to five straw dummies that are covered with furs. With a flourish, he grabs the closest fur and reveals the dummy underneath. The normal straw wolf has a thick hide helmet that covers its face and a ring of chainmail attached to it that covers the neck. For the body, hard leather armor completely covers it and the parts of the legs that attach to the body.

Looking back to the class, he says, “Alright, everyone come up and claim a dummy. I want you to point out weak spots or gaps in the armor. Only that for now. Wolves, to your dummies.” Ricin grins and retreats to where he can watch and hear their observations without being in the way and settles in to listen.

"Ricin Dauner"