
Roll Call

Elysium Fight Training



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
11-04-2022, 09:37 AM

Relm waited beside Alastor as the others arrived, all of them she hadn't even known really. She wasn't much the social type and maybe that made her lack that confidence in holding this meeting. But still, she held her composure and would do her best for Manea who put her in this position. Most of this was new for her, but it was easy for her to put on a mask to get it done.

"Thank you for joining us." She spoke to everyone who gathered at the meeting grounds for her call. "We are going to go over raid etiquette today." Maybe not something the others would be so thrilled to go over, but still something that need to be discussed she thought. "We will also pair off into sparring partners after."

She took a glance over everyone, maybe a bit awkwardly, and then went to stand from her seated position to take a step back more to face Alastor. "It's important during a raid not to want to injure you're opponent right off the bat. The Matriarch may have made arrangements with an allying pack that could come to a surprise to us all." When she looked away from the others and towards Alastor, a small smile went across her maw. She stepped forward just to point up at his shoulders, "Going for light bites on the scruff, or maybe even some on the hind quarters are the friendliest options." She took another step back, "But overall your goal should be," Raising up on her hind legs, she wrapped her arms around Alastor to try and get him to bend to her, all completely silly and fake and just for demonstration. It was obvious, "Dominance."

Again taking a couple steps back from Alastor, she looked out at the wolves that gathered, "This goes both ways whether we are defending or opposing. Now, if your opponent is openly trying to maim you then it's free game. Mostly taking cues from either Alastor or Manea at the start of a raid will show if this is meant for practice or something more malicious. There will always be a meeting prior to any raids we take elsewhere." She paused for just a moment, "Is there anything that needs to be discussed before we go over sieges?"

F2U base by AshKatu