
The children undying, they smile through their crying




6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-04-2022, 11:41 AM
He didn't know what was happening. Or how it happened. One minute he was in Somnium, and the next his world seemed to shift and the wasteland he'd been walking through had shifted into a place he vaguely recognized. Confused, the pale serpent made his way through the veil and emerged into a place where a feast was being had and many wolves were gathered. A...festival? It seemed like nobody could see, hear, or feel him. And likewise, he couldn't make contact with anyone. At some point, the most he could do was move small objects, but still, it didn't do much to make his presence known.

Frustrated, he left the festivities and went into the weeping woods. There, he found a lone wild cat. A Maine coon. Pure white in color. The alabaster devil paid it no mind and continued to walk past, that is until the little beast followed his path. He ignored it for a time, but no matter where he went, it followed. It irritated him enough to the point he turned and aimed a kick at it, and upon making contact, something happened.

One moment he was...himself. The next, he wasn't. "What the hell?" He looked up from the forest floor, feeling like something was different. On closer inspection, he realized he had taken possession of the cat. Weird...

Something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. And when he looked, he noticed it was a mouse. While he normally didn't have any interest in such small creatures because they were hardly a bite for a wolf, the feline he had become had a higher prey drive. Dropping into a crouch, he stalked closer to the mouse, though the wolf side of him wasn't too keen on hunting right now. Still, the feline instincts drove him to continue stalking. Slowly. Quietly. Until he was in a prime pouncing position. Tail silently swayed behind him, and when he felt ready, he pounced.