
Honey, honey, you're my favorite drug




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
11-04-2022, 04:34 PM

Even as Alastor's paw stroked over the back of her head with comforting affection and he vehemently denied that he could ever hate her, she still worried how he might actually feel if those things ever came to pass. He was nothing if not a protective father that loved his children more than life itself so whether they were pups born out of their marriage or not she could still see him wanting to do everything he could to protect them and if he had to watch or at the very least know that she had to kill them to uphold their laws and promises... His assurances and promises to her now were wonderful, but she didn't know how he might feel if it happened. She fully believed that he didn't intend to break their laws, but contraceptives were not perfect things and she was still not fully convinced that Relm was telling the truth about taking them regularly. There were many things that could happen that were out of his control and she dreaded the day that she might have to actually act as the Matriarch and law keeper of their family.

Still, she allowed his assurances that he could never hate her ease her worries at least slightly and she relaxed a bit under his touch. She did appreciate him saying that she didn't need to share custody of him and that she didn't have to give Relm all of his days. She fully didn't understand his relationship with Relm with how he much he cared for her and yet he said his relationship wasn't like that with the pink woman where they would be spending their days together, but perhaps she needed to stop trying to understand it. It was just a part of his life the same way Irilyth and Kavik were now part of hers. She was admittedly a possessive, jealous woman that wanted her husband entirely to herself, but that wasn't fair to him. She would prefer that they be able to share all of their lovers so there was no secrecy or suspicion lingering on her mind, but that did not seem to be how things had settled and she needed to find a way to be okay with that.

Manea smiled a bit as he promised that Relm was not a replacement for her and that he would manage his time to make her a priority more often. That was all she really wanted. There were things she could wish for if they lived in a perfect world, but at the end of the day if she was just his priority the way he was hers then she could be content. She returned his tender kiss happily, humming quietly while her paws trailed gently along the back of his neck. When their lips parted and her eyes met his again, he did something that she wasn't sure she had ever heard Alastor do. His apology was not only rare, but it was genuine and real and it made a smile pull across her lips with her love and appreciation at the gesture showing in her aqua gaze. Perhaps his apology was several weeks late at this point, but she was just happy to have it.

She chuckled softly as he asked for another chance to make it up to her and she scratched lightly at the back of his neck, leaning up to give him another soft kiss. "I would love for you to make it up to me," she told him with a little grin. "But first... I think I have some making up of my own to do for you. Because you're right... You deserve to have the freedom to enjoy your time with her the same way I enjoy my time with my lovers—even if I'd rather just keep you all to myself. I need to just trust you." With another kiss, she pulled back a bit with a more lecherous grin and asked him, "Why don't we start with what I was going to do when you came home on our anniversary...?" She started slowly and savoringly working her way down his body, her paws feeling across his chest, sides and stomach, her lips following the same path with kisses and nibbles, claws combing through thick, fluffy fur. The relief and the love she felt poured out in her affections while she reclaimed her brute as hers, working her way lower and lower. She knew that she was not perfect in their relationship either and he deserved better from her as well, but this could be the turning point for them both. Neither of them had come from great examples of what a relationship should be and they were going to figure it out together.

"Manea & Alastor Mendacium"