
Winter's Grace



10-18-2013, 09:45 PM

Her eyes locked onto Gitan's as he paused before he would walk away. She hoped she could speak to him again very soon. She enjoyed his company and talking to him.She could not help the attraction and pull she had for him either. Her eyes followed him as he padded away. She would not realize her eyes had lingered after Gitan till the paw steps of another very close had her head snap back.

She looked over the large female next to Taurig. She watched the connection the two had and smiled briefly. Ears perked up as Taurig began to speak. Her eyes would widen at the mention of no healers within the pack yet. She frowned slightly. Perhaps Jupiter would let her assist Taurig till he found a healer among his own ranks. It would seem he had planed to go to Ludicael to ask for alliance but Symphony had beat him to it. Good, she could explain that to Jupiter. After all, her Sol did not know of this yet. She was gathering information first then would address the Sol with all she had found out.

"Thank you King Taurig. I am glad to hear yo had plan to request an alliance with us. If my Sol accepts, i could offer my skills here when needed till you find yourself a healer. It'll be good for both packs if this goes well to forge a begining of a bond." She replied softly. Hopefully Jupiter would agree to alliancing with Tortuga and maybe Amenti to at least stay on their good side.
