
No Fear *Joining*


10-15-2013, 10:44 PM
Garnet was finding it increasingly difficult to curb her excitement and enthusiasm. Surely she wouldn't be faulted too much for entering the pack lands just to find someone, right? She wanted to be counted among the members of this pack, to belong with them, and find others like herself. As she ran along the border, she took in every scent that she could. She tried to keep track of the different wolves she smelled, perhaps as a way to impress the other pack members by knowing their roles but she was too overwhelmed. She didn't quite have the mental diligence to focus enough. Thankfully, she was soon rescued (somewhat) from her own over-eagerness. She heard a bark sound from behind her and practically skidded to a stop, turning deftly on her heels to face whoever had come to see her. Instantly, her muzzle broke into a grin, though the other female didn't reciprocate. The other female was larger than Garnet but Garnet wasn't too frightened. She had no reason to fear this girl yet. She had a striking red coat and Garnet found her quite admirable, if only because of the fur color.

Garnet cheerfully adopted a submissive stance before the other female when questioned. "I'm at the borders to Tortuga territory?" she asked, the words making everything seem more real to her. "I humbly wish to join the pack!" she barked, unable to quell her excitement. She had no idea of the rank this female held but Garnet so hoped her journey would come to an end soon. "I am Garnet. May I please join?" She found it difficult to stand still but fought her body, not wanting to seem disrespectful. She was just too happy! She'd finally found it, the pack she'd been searching for!