
Water Ghost you are summoned



Intermediate Fighter (51)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-06-2022, 05:17 PM

Corbin was a brave warrior and explorer, at least in his own mind.  The brave warrior had already fought a crow, and explored all their territory and nothing could stop him!  Magic was about and it was fun, even with the change of season the magic in the land lasted.  Now, the story was that wolves had heard from the dead before and the best time was always when magic stuff was happening.  

Dad had once mentioned a family member who had saved him from nearly getting maimed a long time ago.  That would of made dad’s cousin a hero.  A volcano had erupted, Melanthios had been trapped and he’d died.  Corbin had never seen a volcano before but he already knew they were dangerous.  He still didn’t know a ton about dad’s cousin, at the time he hadn’t thought to ask for details like that.  He’d asked a lot of questions but only about exciting things.

Now Corbin had put a whole lot of time in considering how to meet ghosts.  If other wolves had got to meet ghosts wasn’t it only fair he did after all?  He had considered the fun gas that made you see stuff but those things weren’t always real and this time he wanted a real ghost.  Sugar rush from rock candy?  No, that tasted yummy but never did any good talking to dead before.  Anyway, he’d already helped himself this morning and no dead wolves had shown up.

Corbin made his way to the lake, staring into it and ears pricking forward on spotting his reflection.  Maybe the dead lived underwater?? Now, the notion to jump in and see if there was exploring he could do down under the water did come to mind for a moment but was then cast aside.  His parents said they couldn’t go deep if they weren’t around.  Hmm, but did hunting for ghosts make this different?  Probably not, and how good is a conversation with a relative if you can’t breathe?  Well, talking could be an issue as well.  Oh!  Hey, ghosts didn’t breathe right?  So they really could live underwater.

Water was the only place you could ever see yourself so this made perfect sense.  Reflections had to be magical.  Corbin stepped into the water but went no deeper than where his paws could still touch the ground.  This gave him a great view of his reflection in the water.  Well, now what?  The problem with this is he had also seen his reflection in the water a lot and nothing happened.

Corbin pondered for a bit then decided that maybe he just had to call to the ghost!  Corbin had never really tried to talk to a ghost before and maybe that was all the difference.  Corbin closed his eyes, trying to forget everything living.  Yup, think of dead ol’ bones, graves, and the smell of that gas in the cave.  He had no real idea what it would smell like in a grave but he imagined moist earthy and stinky.  

Dad’s cousin was brave and had died in a volcano, no, from a volcano.  In volcano’s were even worse though faster deaths.  “Melanthios, I summon you!” Corbin called out in his most commanding voice.  The boy remained quiet, glancing from side to side and wondering how long it would take a ghost to come after you summoned it.

Being an incredibly patient pup he waited a good two minutes before deciding this wasn’t working.  Ghosts travel faster than that right?  Corbin dunked his head under the water, opening his eyes then squinting them at the feeling of the water up against his eyes.  He tried to call again but jerked his head out of the water right after, coughing out water.  Huffing he ducked his head under the water again, looking about for any sign of a ghost.  Oooo there was definitely stuff down there. Not overly far he spotted a dead fish remains, the bone and part of the head.  Further away where the water went deeper he saw sparkly, wondering what was down there.  

The boy's head came up again.  Well, it would be fun to try and swim underwater but breathing was definitely still an issue.  “Heyyy Melantios!” This time Corbin glared at the water as he said it, “I said I summoned you!  I’m Corbin, dad’s son. Uh, Gav’s son!”  It was weird to not just call dad ‘dad’ but maybe the dead spirit didn’t know that!  “We are family so you should come when I call you!”  Clearly, the ghost didn’t know how it worked.

Corbin was dead set that water was the whole trick, mostly because he hadn’t come up with any other ideas and this one sounded pretty cool.  “You sleeping or something?  I want to meet you!”  Wait until he told everyone he talked to a ghost!  Obviously, this would work now.

[Image: PllexzO.png]