
Water Ghost you are summoned



6 Years
Dire wolf
11-06-2022, 06:14 PM
Melanthios chuckled. "For the moment. If I were to visit you in your dreams you could see me in my real form - I'm taller than your mom." Mela explained. And the kid wasn't necessarily wrong. They would be able to breathe underwater now, being a frog and all. But how long could they possess this creature? Hmm… They didn't dwell on that thought for long. For now they would focus on the pup.

"I may have been the one to answer but there are other spirits about. They could have answered your call as well. But I was closest." Melanthios' gaze didn't stray from the pup. So Gavroche had spoken of them? It seemed their cousin remembered their sacrifice… and honored them by keeping their memory alive.

"Twice, actually." Melanthios said with a chuckle. They had explained they could come to the kid in the dream world between Somnium and the world of the living, if the boy really sought them out.

"Family is the most important thing in the world, and can be what makes a good fighter into a great one. Having someone you care about… it makes a difference in your drive." Melanthios shifted on the lily pad.

"Your father has always been a tiny thing, and kind. He was born with those wings of his… but our grandmother saw them as a curse, and saw his size as a scourge on our family name. She had chosen me to be the heir of her empire but when she chose to target Gavroche…no threw it all away." Melanthios gestures with the frog's front legs.

"She tried to tear his wings away. A pup, just a bit bigger than you are now. I would not stand for it. Standing up for the right thing is not always the easiest, but you must push past the challenge and fear. I moved between her and your father, and she turned her ire to me. We fought, fangs flashing, claws ready. We maimed on another, scars sure enough left on our bodies from the blows of the other." Melanthios bubbled up a growl that came out as an angry croak.

"She banished us both… but I found your father again here, in Boreas. Still the kind, gentle healer I'd known him to be." The dire looked back to the pup. "Will you stand to defend your family, and your pack Corbin? Even if the odds are stacked against you? Will you fight to keep those you love safe? Even if it may one day cost you your life?" Just like running with Gavroche when the volcano erupted had cost them theirs.