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Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
11-06-2022, 06:43 PM

Stolas wasn't exactly in the best of moods to be attending a feast or festival or whatever this was. All the jovial and happy critters enjoying their merrymaking around him just served as a grim reminder of how miserable he was. Widow, his best friend, the wolf he'd grown so much with over the past couple of months, had inexplicably disappeared without a word. Nobody had seen her, not even her own family, and her scent was nowhere near Habari or Ashen. It was as if his friend had suddenly vanished from existence without a trace or so much as a word to him. It hurt poor Stolas and left him wondering why. Had he done something wrong? He'd enjoyed their time together, and even with her acting really weird towards the end and getting unusually aggressive with him, he thought for sure that everything would go back to being good, especially after the night they'd shared in the old crypt. But no, it seemed that had been the final nail in the coffin. Now she was gone and despite his best efforts to find her, the young Abraxas prince came up empty-handed.

So yes, Stolas wasn't in the happiest of moods while he perused aimlessly through the vendors and past tables overflowing with food and drink. He wasn't hungry, but he couldn't deny the allure of the alcohol. Adults drank it to forget things; maybe it would help him forget too? His fathers likely wouldn't be too happy with him if they caught him imbibing to drown his sorrows, however, and so the lad moved away from the feast to find a quiet spot where he wouldn't be tempted to act up. Stolas ended up around some old crumbling pillars off to the side of the event, the dark-furred boy sliding down its smooth surface until he collapsed to the grass with a sigh. Graphite eyes turned up to the dark canvas of sparkling stars overhead, content to just watch them for a while. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be back home, alone in his room, studying the stars with his grimoire. At least there he didn't have to pretend to be okay.

After watching the stars for some minutes, the sound of grasses shifting and rolling on the other side of the pillar caught his attention, pulling his eyes down from the sky. They landed on another young wolf roughly his age rolling around in the dry grasses, belly up and without a care in the world. Stolas' ears flipped back, a shyness crossing his features while he looked away. "Sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was here," he muttered in apology. He didn't know the girl, and he was no stranger to others finding him weird or freaky when they came across the prince staring mutely up at the sky for ages on end.
