
she always tries, truth or lie



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 10:58 PM

They were nearly polar opposites. She was small where he was large. She was lithe where he was bulky; light where he was dark. She was innocent where he was tainted. They surely made an interesting pair to say the least. No one would think that they had anything to do with each other if they saw them from a distance. He had run into his fair share of dainty maidens, but Paradise was especially dainty in appearance. He was making assumptions of course, but everyone did. She could be a very fine warrior and even better hunter, but he rather liked to think of her as dainty. As someone who needed a behemoth like him to help her with certain things. If there was one thing about the titan, he liked helping others that couldn't help themselves, even if it wasn't against someone who has treating them unfairly.

Her voice, as well as her eyes were full of awe as she cast her glimmering emerald gaze towards the strewn rocks as she spoke. It was unwise to our people, for a babe to stray from her homelands before sexual maturity. I would love some day to carry my own stories. But perhaps you wouldn?t mind sharing some of your own? He could only imagine what would happen to a young she-wolf if she were to leave the safety of her pack before she reached her breeding age. He had seen it plenty of times before and it sickened him to consider that it could've happened to the dove standing before him. She would recline herself back, apparently knowing that he was more than willing to divulge his past stories of adventure. I wouldn't mind at all, but I must say that I won't go into any detail, since more of my tales are pretty gruesome. My life wasn't exactly a very pleasant one. I was raised on a culture of war, from the moment I took my first breaths of this world until now, all I have seen is war and bloodshed. My own family was taken from me in war, during a raid actually. My father was murdered before my very eyes and I would've too had it not been for his sacrifice. I lived on, though I was not left without my reminders. He would pause for a moment, allowing his words to settle as well as his powerful haunches, crown tilting downwards just a bit more to pointedly expose the scars across his features.

I trained hard and long after that, pushing myself to get better, stronger so I could exact my revenge. And I did get my chance, two years later. I found the ba- man who took my father's life and we battled. It was a long, hard battle, one I could've lost, but luck or fate, or maybe both were on my side that day. We struggled but finally, I came out victorious. I was able to avenge my family and my tribe after two years. As a reminder of my triumph I took a tooth from him, to remind myself what I fought for and to warn others. He would finish his tale, allowing his chest to puff out slightly to display the tooth that hung around his neck. Surely that would sate her appetite for a story?

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