
Water Ghost you are summoned



Intermediate Fighter (51)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-06-2022, 07:11 PM

The frog, once wolf, said it was even bigger than mom!  Now, for a moment Corbin couldn’t help but picture a giant frog since he was seeing it come from a frog's mouth.  What an image!  It didn’t last more than a breath though as he then shifted it to a large wolf.  Mom was anything but small so this wolf had been huge.  

“Well, wait, can other spirits actually hurt us?” It didn’t seem to scare Corbin but just make him more enthralled with this whole spirit notion.  “I mean, sure won’t hurt me in a frog's body.  Can they hurt me in their body even when I can’t see them?  Do they take other forms?”  Now that last part had more possibilities.  Corbin shrugged, “I didn’t think about that.” Straight up sharing his ignorance of it.  This was totally worth it anyway.

“How do I call you in my dreams?” Corbin’s brow furrowed, “I mean, I don’t know what I’m doing when I’m asleep.  I guess I can learn…”  How do you learn if you’re asleep though?  Well, there was probably a way.  Plenty of things Corbin still had to learn.

Melanthios spoke of the importance of family and how it could increase your drive. Bright curious eyes changed to show a bit more confidence with a firm nod.  He had wanted to run from the crow or at least just try to keep it away from him.  Yet, when it had tried to hurt his sister Corbin had rushed into attack.  Family did make a difference.  Just a crow to some, it was an enlightenment to the boy at that time.

Corbin waited to ask more questions, listening to the story in awe.  There was no doubt he was drawn in, soaking up all the details. The boy's mouth started to open in a true jaw drop as the frog, errr wolf.. mentioned Corbin’s great grandmother.  How could anyone think dad’s amazing wings were a curse?? Wings!

Numerous questions had come to his mind but before he could ask them Mleanthios was asking Corbin a question instead.  It was hard to look imposing and with a proud bearing when most of you is underwater and you are still a cute pup.  Corbin did his best serious expression, raising up his head a bit, “I won’t let anyone hurt my family.  I’m no coward.  I’m not scared of anything!” Ok so maybe that crow had been scary but he’d fought it anyway!  So, that didn’t count toward being scary then right?

“But, how can wings be a curse?” The questions returned to his mind, “are your scars really cool looking?  You both got banished but, not together? You had to find him again you said."

[Image: PllexzO.png]