
Water Ghost you are summoned



6 Years
Dire wolf
11-06-2022, 07:52 PM
“I am not certain if they can or can’t, young one. I know that we’re able to possess some creatures, so I wouldn’t rule out the possibility they might take control of something that might try to hurt you after all. I would never hurt you, though… and for the record, I chose this form as the easiest way to answer your call.” Melanthios told him. “I know other forms are possible but… who knows what form they might take?” The dire wolf wasn’t entirely sure either. This was a whole new experience for them too.

“I’m not entirely sure how the dream walking works either… but I know that is a way the living can reach Somnium throughout the year. Maybe you just have to wish really hard to reach out to a specific wolf, and feeling your wishes we are able to reach you. I don’t think the spirits can hurt a living wolf, but the dream might be more vivid, so you remember more when you wake back up.” Mela allowed their eyes to wander the area of the falls. “I would not mind helping you learn more as well, should you ever enter that state. I wasn’t able to pass on my fondness for battles to your father after all.”

Melanthios fell quiet for a moment, letting the boy speak again. He seemed sure of himself, and Mela chuckled. “Young Corbin,” They began. “Being brave does not mean you’re not afraid of things. Being brave, in its truest form, is being scared to death but standing up for the right thing anyway. When I stood up to my grandmother I was scared - she was an empress, the most powerful wolf over several packs, but if I hadn’t your father would have been severely hurt.” The topic shifted, and the boy asked how wings could be a curse.

“Other wolves may believe different things, but because it is such a rare thing to occur, our grandmother saw it as bad. Yet, in the teachings of Foi, the Allmother, Celeste, has a pair of pure wings, much like your father’s own.”  Again they shifted on the lilypad.

“As for my scars, I supposed they could be considered cool. I have two on my face, one over my mouth and one over my left eye, smaller ones, and much larger ones on my right should and right hip, smaller ones again on my right knee, left forelimb, and two upon my chest. All of them earned in battles defending the innocent from those who would harm them.” Melanthios thought the scars were cool, even if they were a bit of a sight to look at.

“Yes… I was banished on the spot for standing up to the empress. Gavroche was banished shortly thereafter, with the promise that should he return he would be killed. I came across him again here in Boreas, not Auster, and we had stuck together until the volcano erupted.” Melanthios’ gaze became distant, their voice becoming quiet.

“Fire and ash rained from the sky… It was a very, scary time. I was leading your father far away from the danger zone… but…” Melanthios glanced at the pup. “A branch, weakened by the fire on it, broke and fell on me. It was very big, and in the position it had me pinned I couldn’t get it off. Your father had tried, getting burned himself… in the end, I had to tell him to go on and save himself. If he had stayed there and kept trying to remove the branch he wouldn’t be alive anymore either.” The topic had shifted to a saddened one.

“Your dad is a good wolf.” Melanthios added at the end. “He’d do anything for his loved ones.”