
A lot has changed. Let's make another


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-06-2022, 08:28 PM

Life had changed so much in so little time. This wasn’t about such a thing as the magic or the statues, they weren’t as important as the changes that had come in the hallows. Art and Briar were married. Fern and Rudy were married. His brother already had kids and soon Rudy and Fern would also. It wasn’t just a number of facts but Rydard felt a change from with him also.

It was like some of the energy and passion within him was calmed. It wasn’t that he had lost it so much as it had been more focused and given a new purpose. Really, Rudy didn’t know what to call it and it wasn’t like something that had just turned on one day but, a thing that had been slowly growing in him for a time.

With this change in himself, Rudyard decided it was time to make another change. Once upon a time, he had spoken of being a future leader of the pack. Hell, he’d said it a lot and for a long time but he hadn’t done anything about it. Rudy smiled softly remembering the first time he had told Artorias this bold statement and how he had truly meant it. Rudy didn’t need to be a leader of a pack, being a dad was more than enough.

Rudyard made his way to the great hall, a howl to Artorias, calling for his brother. Not desiring to be a leader didn’t mean Rudyard didn’t have another goal in mind. It was time to be responsible and step up. Rudyard was skilled, loved his large family, and was smarter than he had sometimes portrayed himself. It was time to let Artorias know he was ready to take on a higher station. The high council could use another member after all. Rudyard wanted to help create a safe and pleasant future for everyone in the pack.
