
No Fear *Joining*


10-15-2013, 11:35 PM
Garnet couldn't help but look up to the older female. A gorgeous red coat, calm and mature demeanor. From first glance, she was almost everything Garnet wished to be. Maybe someday, she thought wistfully, practically sighing with respectful affection for the other female. Thankfully, for once, Garnet was able to keep control and tried to maintain her submissive pose without letting her exuberance ruin everything. She was a little disheartened to hear the female couldn't allow her into the pack immediately but the quick howl brightened her right back up again. She allowed her head to look up, and though her tail longed to be wagged, she kept it still. Or so she thought. In actuality, her rump was practically bouncing around with Garnet's hopeful joy. It was difficult for Garnet to remain still, even when sleeping, so standing there calmly before the pack she longed to enter was simply too much for her. She wanted to let loose and sound a joyous howl and run all around the pack, spreading her happiness wherever she went.

The quick arrival of the male was another surprise to her. Garnet apparently must have been standing in a poor place if she'd missed the entrances of both wolves. She was floored to find out the male was the alpha, already there to greet her! She immediately lowered herself before him, finally stopping the constant movement to show the utmost respect and submission before him. Unfortunately, the grin was there to stay and wasn't budging for anything. "Yes, sir!" she yipped, her voice shrill. "My name is Garnet and I do so wish to join your pack! It's a very good pack, sir! One of the best!" Apparently the way to get an alpha to like you was to pointlessly flatter his pack? Her immaturity was showing again but Garnet was just too overwhelmed by everything. "If I may say, I'm a good runner and I'd be happy to run with your pack, sir! I can model myself after Vi, sir, if you'd like! I promise to uphold your ideals and never betray the pack, never-ever-never!" In case it wasn't obvious, this female hadn't quite learned all the proper etiquette for joining a pack but she was doing her very best.