
Things have changed... and I yearn for those days past...



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-07-2022, 12:41 AM

He heard her. For the first time since his death, someone he cared dearly for, remembered him. At a way that he could hear. The past few days, it seemed that the world he now called home and the world of the living were open to one another, and it was Bellamy that seemed to manage to pull him completely through. He had been at the Samhain Feast. Though at the time, nobody could see or hear him. Nobody noticed he was there. But what about now? The alabaster king stepped from his world, and into the world of the living. His loyal foxes watching in silence from Bellamy's world. Finn and Lumi had remained near the Northern Pines, though both now had their own families.

He grinned at the sight of them, though as he leaned down to embrace his faithful companions, Finn's son came between and Acere embraced him instead. Before he knew it, the former King had...become the fox. He wasn't as surprised as most would be. After all, stranger things had happened and he was from a bloodline with cursed blood. What he found amusing, however, was Finn's firstborn son looked a lot like Acere. Funny how things turned out that way. The trio had a connection since the moment he had saved their lives as young pups...Acere would have gladly given his life for them. And likewise, they would've done the same.

He walked among the trees until his friend came into view, her words drifting into the cold air. He heard her, however. Every single word she had said.

"Aye, what you heard was true. And while it was a betrayal, I do not hate him." He started. The alabaster fox paused several feet from her, kindness in his crimson gaze as he peered up at the much larger wolf. He had to admit, it was strange being smaller than her now. "I would not be surprised if I, or Winterfell ended up forgotten. We didn't have the best reputation towards the end...not with the mistakes I made when it came to our allies. Though it was something to learn and grow from, even if I didn't get the chance to fix the damage." Was Abaven still around? He wasn't sure how much time had passed since his death...Ah, but there were other things to think about and words to be said now, weren't there?

"I am happy to hear that you have risen into leadership. It isn't an easy path, and even leaders will make mistakes. But as long as you are willing to grow with your mistakes and your successes, I believe you'll be a great alpha. I am also glad to hear that you and Gavroche have crossed paths and now have a family. Treasure them always, even that young Saga of yours. I do not believe Ignis will harm her...despite his demons, I have never known him to harm a child. Reckless he may be, and a monster he may seem. But...even with what he did to me, to Winterfell, to his family...despite his transgressions...I believe he is simply...lost." As strange as that sounded, Ignis he felt, had been lost in the dark for a long time now. He wasn't always like that, he knew. And there was likely still a chance he could be saved...but there was only so much he could do now that he was in the afterlife.

"I am happy to see you again, my friend. I had hoped you were safe and well after you left. I know you may have regrets for not being there in my time of need, but trust me when I say, it was simply my time. The past is the past. Now, I am here for you. I apologize for not looking as I normally did...though the son of my companion is close enough, don't you agree?" He chuckled with a smile.