Mercury in gatorade or something
You're not feeling so well...
The Raid Queen I
Master Fighter (290)
Master Navigator (400)
3 Years
Deluge snickered at Sakana’s wiggling, paying no mind to the cautious way he had bought himself to a seat prior. She did lift a paw to shoo a particularly annoying firefly. The way it buzzed around was distracting from her view of the sky. "Hmm," she attempted to sound mysterious (and failed miserably), "I reckon if yer seein’ an octopus, it means you should keep low an’ try not to stick out too much fer now. Good thing’s’ll come if yer don’t go stickin’ yer neck out. Think about it, the octopus doesn’t get poked by yer sticks until it tries ter make a break back ter deeper water, but if it just waited a bit longer, the tide’d come back, and it wouldn’t have ter run away from, you, yer pest." She made a swipe of her paw to try and pull the kid into a headlock, aiming to give him a noogy if she caught him.
A particularly bright star caught her attention, and she squinted. Then it started moving and she huffed her annoyance. "Do yer even think the stars are real, or is it all jus’ some big joke on us?" She didn’t really expect an answer. This was all just a bit of fun, after all. Wasn’t it?