
No Fear *Joining*



5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 12:03 AM

He could almost see the excitement rolling off the young woman on the other side of the border. She could hardly contain herself before Vi, but once he came into the picture she was able to settle her excitement down to a manageable level, her posture morphing into a submissive one. He didn't require his members to do such things, but he was glad to see that she was able to recognize and respect those who were higher above than her in rank. Yes, sir! My name is Garnet and I do so wish to join your pack! It's a very good pack, sir! One of the best! If I may say, I'm a good runner and I'd be happy to run with your pack, sir! I can model myself after Vi, sir, if you'd like! I promise to uphold your ideals and never betray the pack, never-ever-never! She seemed to be around his age, if not a year or so younger, but she appeared to have the attitude of a young pup. She was clearly very excited about the prospect of becoming a tortugan, even going as far as complimenting his pack. It was a nice touch, but it was clear that she didn't know anything about Tortuga. It was fine though; he was glad to see her excited about becoming part of his pack.

An amused chuckle curled the King's lips as she offered to model herself after Vi. She wasn't exactly the best role model around, but it was certainly amusing to see Garnet already look up to the russet lady. As expected, Vi caught onto his words right away and after bidding ado to Garnet, the russet woman would take her leave by crossing before him, her golden eyes widening at the titan with a look that said she wanted to talk later. A short nod of acknowledgement would be presented to the woman as she disappeared, attention returning to the excitable Garnet. Thank you Garnet, I am quite proud of my pack. You needn't model yourself after anyone; being yourself is just fine. Now you say you're a runner, eh? Would you like to work as a hunter? Running is a good skill to have as a hunter.

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