
Variety is Spicy



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
11-07-2022, 08:56 AM

The young girl was cute. Even if she was larger than herself, Celeste was used to being the smaller one. She listened politely and had to hold back a chuckle. It wasn't uncommon for others to get lost out in the expanse of sand that surrounded the oasis. As her nose twitched, she noticed the girl didn't have any specific pack scent on her. Curious as to why someone as young as she was out and about alone, the question would be saved for now. She had to boast about her lovely pack first!

"A pleasure, Ulmaria Regni!" Celeste's medium baritone voice chirped as her tail wagged a few more times. "Surprisingly, I love it out here. Sure, it gets hot during the day, but our pack lives in underground warrens right beside a large oasis so we have managed to keep really cool. As long as you don't go too far west, you'll find it easier to keep your direction about you," she smiles as she glances off to the sandy distances of the desert. Definitely not her plan to expand out that way. She did have to take a moment to really think about what Ethyria was like before answering.

"Well, you see, Ethyria is very laid back compared to other packs. Everyone is expected to lend a paw in helping ways that are best suited for them, but when the work is done, we relax and have fun. I plan to host plenty of parties, for us and for outsiders to join. We like to relax in the underground areas, or go swimming, go out on hunting parties, or do leisurely patrols. Don't really foresee anyone wanting to take us over any time soon, but there will be training activities come spring when the weather is more bearable," her smile stays upon her lips as she waits to see how Ulmaria will react.