
to behold the future

rexx / med risk prompt



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
11-07-2022, 05:53 PM

Admittedly, Rexx wasn't what you'd consider scholarly, much less a deep-thinking intellectual. Even more so when one had to think outside of the box for some things - or rather, outside the bag of bones they had been given. So when he had suggested putting the bones back into the creature's original skeleton he believed he really was on to something. But he noticed Scald's poor concealment of a laugh, and looking up from his work, he narrowed his deep purple eyes at his brother suspiciously. What's so funny?" He asked genuinely, brow knitted in confusion.

It wasn't until a familiar approached them, explaining how they should properly read the bones. Wait a minute.. read the bones? What did that even mean? He practically said the same thing his brother did, but the quilled boy beat him to it, pointing to the bones and clearly as bewildered as he was. The tusked boy huffed, almost a tad disappointed that his super smart genius idea was, in fact, foiled and not the correct way to make a ghost greet them. Shifting in his seat, the tusked child scanned the wolves around them, seeing how some took their bones and just poured them onto the earth, staring deeply into the random pile as if it said something interesting. Well, fine, if it meant they could interact with a real spirit, he'd try it.

"Alright, uh..guess I'll just shake 'em up and scatter them out," Rexx said, tilting his head as if wondering why this would work, and not his original idea. Yeah, not exactly the quickest to catch on, was he? The burly boy grasped the bones and swiped them back into his paws, shaking them and then scattering them onto the ground in an almost dramatic sweep. He grinned a he waited for this ghost to magically appear in font of them. Yes? No? He squinted at the pile, looking up at Scald. The gears in his head were really turning, but whether it held any length of substance was debatable.

"So, uh..d'you see anything?"