
Try Me



Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
11-08-2022, 03:50 AM

The young girl didn't seem perturbed by his presence; if anything, she seemed more curious about him. He felt the girl's dark eyes scrutinizing him for a moment and Stolas shifted his weight, finding himself uncomfortable under the stranger's gaze. He awkwardly glanced back and forth between her and the festivities going on around them, not wanting to stare at her, but also not knowing where to look without seeming rude. His body tensed, wondering just what the heck she was up to. Eventually she answered his unspoken question with a laugh and claiming that he could have been her brother with his appearance. Stolas raised a confused yet curious brow. "Uhh... thanks?" He wasn't quite sure how to take that. Was that a compliment? The flame-marked girl did confirm that was, in fact, a good thing. He supposed that was good then. At least it meant she didn't hate him immediately.

There was a bit of awkward silence between the two while Stolas didn't know what to say, still far more introverted in the wake of the loss of his only friend and unsure if he was really in the right mindset to be talking with strangers at this moment. The young prince was acutely aware of the stranger still staring at him. Why was she staring at him like that? Just as Stolas was starting to concoct a plan for getting himself out of the uncomfortable situation, the girl spoke again, prompting his interest with her choice in topic. The stars? Gray eyes turned up to the celestial heavens for a moment, then looked back down to the dark-furred lass with a big of a rueful smile. "Oh, yes, I do!" replied the adolescent boy. "I've been studying them since I was very little. I like to read the prophecies and stories they tell." He tilted his head while looking to the slightly smaller girl. "Do you study the stars as well?" He was still a bit apprehensive about getting too personal with someone he didn't know so soon after getting his heart broken by his only friend, but she seemed nice so far, and if she liked the stars, then she couldn't be all bad, right?
