
Pumpkin Patch Pals


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-07-2022, 11:45 PM
“Are you going to introduce me?” Mercury continued as she agreed with gleet that she had been making friends. Interacting with Arts kids was definitely a highlight of any given day, and he offered her an amusement smile, falling silent as she spoke. He obediently brought his attention to the wilting display as she pointed it out to him, and then back to the pumpkin.

The idea that he too was told he couldn’t use knives brought an amusement smile to the Ermis’s face. “I think we can work something out here. How about, you use some of the dye that has been harvested from the flowers to draw what you want on the pumpkin, and i’ll carve out the picture?” He suggested. He was more than happy to be the knife-wielding part of the activity. That kept the pup within the bounds of what she was allowed without missing out on any of the fun. Getting to his paws, he indicated a container of dye, to see what she thought of that part of the plan. “As for the knife.. Do you think these might work just as well?” he asked, raising a paw and extending his elongated and sharp claws. They would be able to pierce the pumpkin just fine, through he might find his paw a little pumpkin stained by the end of it.

WC: 235
total: 1426

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