
Under my control


The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-07-2022, 11:50 PM

Weapons, fangs, and claws weren’t the only weapons available to a pup, and not even the most effective.  The look of a pleading pup won a battle again.  With permission to get closer, the eyes lit with joy, tail spinning pinwheel style.  He didn’t rush off right away though, he stayed long enough to watch Sota and listen to the explanation of why the water could be dangerous.  Thorn nodded acceptingly, “I won’t go into the water then, honest.”

Thorn was pretty sure he could figure out where the water was calm enough to not get pulled in but he also understood if something happened to him Sota would be in a whole lot of trouble.  The boy rushed forward, pausing before he actually got to the water, just a little before.

Thorn wove around the water, scenting the ground and then the air, trying to depict which scent belonged to a beaver aside from the other scents in the area.  He glanced back at the pile of branches that stretched out so far along the water.  “Sleeping in a bunch of sticks,” and it wasn’t like birds who made nests, this was more like a beaver attempt at a stick castle?  Hallows castle of stone was much better looking.

Sota said he’d never eaten a beaver and as far as Thorn could recall he hadn’t heard anyone mention eating beaver meat or hunting them.  Though, that only meant so much.  Thorn still had a lot of stuff to learn no matter how much he was trying to soak it all in.  

The scents were hard for Thorn to be sure of, huffing a bit he stared again at the beaver dam, walking beside the water, cautious not to step in and worry Sota.  There was movement on the dam and Thorn got hopeful but it was only some type of white bird walking on top of it.  Another bit of motion off to the side of the dam and he spotted a couple of ducks landing in the water.  They’d all be fun to chase but in the water or on the dam they were off-limits.

“I’d like to see one.  Do you see them hear very much or are they always in it?” Puppy patience.  They’d been there a few minutes and no beaver.  “We should find a way to get to the other side and see if the beavers are all over there!”

"Thorn Carpathius"