
I've Been Thinking, I Want You To Be Happier




7 Years
Athena I

11-09-2022, 01:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2022, 01:30 PM by Zuriel. Edited 1 time in total.)

She knew that it would be impossible for her to fix all of the hurt, to completely ease this girl's pain. She only hoped that she might dull it even a bit and maybe start guiding her toward a slightly brighter outlook. She knew that no matter how grim things looked now there would always be brighter days ahead—even if this girl didn't quite believe that yet. Zuriel had witnessed the worst and darkest times she could possibly imagine and had somehow managed to find a light on the other side, a second chance at happiness, and she had no doubt that this girl would do the same again and again before they met each other again on the other side many, many years from now. "I know," was all she could say with understanding as she girl made her wishes for her mother to not be gone, but to instead be here to kiss away the fear and to be able to hear her voice again. "I know, darling. I know you do. I wish that I could see my family and my children again too. Just know that no matter where your mother has gone she will always still love you." She wanted to mention the couple of times where she had been able to connect with her son and speak with him, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. Ignis had been the only of her many children that she had ever gotten to speak to so she didn't know how rare the interaction was so if that never happened for this girl she didn't want her to be disappointed. Still, Zuriel silently gave her own prayer that maybe one day this little girl would get to hear her mother's voice again too.

The girl's sudden plea for her to not leave made Zuriel smile gently, her paw lifting to gently stroke over the top of her head. "I'm not going to leave you yet. I promise." But already she could feel that whatever was holding her here wasn't as solid as it had been when she first appeared on this grassy plain. It was a slow degrading of this teether that she wouldn't even begin to try to understand, but it certainly wasn't a permanent thing. Already she could tell that at least how she was sensing the girl's touch was becoming more like the sensation she had when she was able to see Ignis in the spirit world—not quite as distinct, almost like a memory of what touch should feel like. Still, she held on for as long as she could, not wanting to leave this poor girl just yet. Then she finally got the girl's name and it was just as beautiful as the sweet girl herself. "And I'm Zuriel. Zuriel Adravendi. I know I'm not who you were hoping for, but I'm very glad I've gotten to meet you, Andromeda."

She can see the exhaustion of everything that had been warring within her finally start to take hold and Zuriel smiles kindly, gently pulling Andromeda into her again and supporting her as she begins to fall asleep. Her heart squeezed in her chest as she watched her, thinking of her own pups again and wondering hopelessly about what had come of them and deeply missing the days when she could hold her children like this. Andromeda's eyes suddenly flew open with worry over whether she would be here when she woke up and Zuriel gave her another smile, leaning down to kiss the top of her head again. "I'll be here for as long as I can," she promised quietly, giving her a little squeeze. "Now get some rest, sweetheart. I'm here for you." She gently rocked the girl until she felt her body fully relax into a heavy sleep and she sighed softly, smiling down at her sadly. Oh what she wouldn't give to stay here with her. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option that she was given.

She gently lowered Andromeda onto the grass and laid down with her, curling around her and looking up toward the stars while she hoped that perhaps someone would come looking for her before she was forced to leave. She didn't want this little girl to be alone out here, but she also didn't know where they were or if she had any family here. Zuriel clung to the mortal world until it felt painful to do so, watching as her limbs became less distinct and more translucent as time went on. Just as the sun was beginning to break over the horizon and the light was brightening the sky, she heard someone walking toward them and she glanced up, seeing a tawny figure walking in their direction. She breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, looking down at Andromeda one more time before she closed her eyes and drifted away, feeling weightless for a moment before she opened her eyes again and found herself in the familiar, misty landscape of her spirit world.
