
i missed you, old friend

laeta <3



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-09-2022, 06:20 PM

Laeta graciously accepted her friend's hug, tail thumping across the earth as her own eyes threatened to bubble over with tears of pure happiness. She managed to keep them iwthin her eyes, which were misted as Audra drew back from her embrace to face her again. Not much had changed about the woman since she'd seen her last; lithe, small, one eye completely darkened from the Long Night that had shattered both their lives in the most horrific ways. It was hard not to dwell on such memories, especially since their lives were threatened..but that was in the past, and the pain she had left behind ought to stay there. Audra had returned! Something she had not expected, yet something she eagerly accepted before it could disappear again.

She listened with the utmost sincerity as Audra explained what had happened - detailing that she was here to stay, which made Lae all the more joyful - and mentioned her time in Boreas was fun, yet also horrible. A faint tug of concern edged upon her lips, but she maintained a gentle smile as the tawny girl went on to mention she sometimes wished she never left. That was fair, she supposed - to her, Boreas was a vast but unpredictable place. Gods only knew what horrors she endured, and she was partially relieved Audra wasn't ready to go into detail just yet. Mel also listened quietly beside her, exchanging friendly glances with Mack here and there.

When the woman inquired what Lae and Mel themselves had been up to, the older woman smiled more widely as she sat on her bony haunches and said, "Oh, we've been well. I've recovered for the most part, though some days are better than others for my joints. But I've been exploring more and more of Auster now, and I have taken on the role of providing emotional support for wolves in the Hallows - like a physician, but for the mind instead of the physical body." She knew little about healing the body aside from some basic first aid and a few herbs, but she knew how to communicate with others however they were feeling - able to remain calm and level even when those she consoled were at their lowest point.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.