
i cant stop



10-16-2013, 06:55 AM
Isardis Armada
Wasn?t it so peculiar? That it seemed they all came crawling for him at once, having been years and no less since he saw the majority of his family, what on earth was bringing them all to his Kingdom now? The passing of their father perchance? Alas, Isardis would not recognize the call, addressing him only as an unfamiliar male who threatened to trespass; it seemed, however, that the beast held no foul intentions, likely presumable due to the willingness to call. Regardless, The King would seek his location with an eagerness, hackles raised in potential defense as the ghoul would move seamlessly at a resolute trot.

He was surprised somewhat to find Abelinda addressing the stranger on her own, and although he didn?t doubt her abilities it most certainly wasn?t her duty to threaten her own life by yielding to outlandish summons. Though as the elegant superior would drift, swaying with an intimidating elegance only his blood were known to bare, he would become aware of the tension that lingered; gaze searching so eagerly the frame of the younger brujo as he would come to stand close to his sisters side. It would be then only that he would recoil, ruby gaze narrowing to that of near scrutiny as his memories would churn, ?Does fate bring more superior blood to my Kingdom, or does my memory falter me, Abelinda?? a smirk would threaten to twitch at cherry lips, regarding the male with a rising interest.

ooc?sorry for crappy muse!

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia