
wake me up

Talon I


4 Years
10-16-2013, 08:09 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 08:41 AM by Talon I.)

He was simply beside himself with joy. Talon truly did not feel like anything special; he only had a few vague memories of being cared for by his mother, and his father was all but gone from his memory, however hard he tried to not forget him. Euphrosyne had been kind to him, but even she seemed to have affection for another -- for Isardis, in particular. It wasn't jealousy that welled up inside him, but he did feel inadequate. And so the fact that Kangi had sought him out again had fueled a bit of confidence in the awkward, lanky boy, and made his eyes brim with happy tears despite the fact that he had just licked away Kangi's own tears.

Her scent was intoxicating and he realized then that he wanted more of it. He was confused, but knew he wanted more of her... her company, her gentle kisses and nuzzles. It made him embarrassed as he suddenly realized the kind of feeling he was experiencing was something he had never really felt before. Quietly, for a long moment, he buried his nose into her neck and inhaled the sweet aroma as though it were air itself, and he needed it to live; his tail shifted to tuck between his legs, not out of shame, but praying she didn't notice how happy he really was. It was new to him and he felt heat rush to his cheeks and found his body quivering slightly, nervous and confused.

"He treats me okay," he said softly, shifting to try to find her gaze. He wasn't the nicest man in the world -- certainly not as kind as the King of Seracia that he remembered seeing and speaking a few times -- but he was okay. If he told Kangi the truth, that he was a bit mean and seemed to think he was a freak, he was certain she wouldn't want to stay. But winter was coming in a few months, and it wouldn't be safe for them to live alone! Or so he thought. "I don't see him much, to be honest. He's very nice to the girls..." And Kangi would be no exception, he figured. He hadn't quite caught on to the fact that Isardis treated women more like possessions; it all seemed fine to him, and everyone seemed quite content to lavish in his attention.

'I would never want you to feel alone... stay with your pack.' "But.." Ugh, why was this so hard? A whine left his own lips, and he embraced her again, wanting more. "It is to the west of here. I can show you, but you probably shouldn't come with me into the pack territory..." The last thing he wanted to deal with was Isardis today. "I understand if you don't want to stay, but will you spend tonight with me at least?" It was a desperate plea at best, and his eyes were wide with uncertainty as he waited for her reaction.