
Show Me The Future



Extra small
10-16-2013, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 09:31 AM by Syrinx.)


he would listen to the story she would tell him about her life in Seracia, and about the children she had. She had four, like himself, and he found that it was interesting enough. Would Chrysanthe have four when she and Gideon decided it was time for children? The man found it curious that every Adravendi bore for. Even he, Chrysanthe, Epiphron, and Eos--they were four. Still, the thought would be interrupted as she told him one of them were adopted. Syrinx had lost his belief in taking children into the family with the way Neo had turned out. the child had sworn to reign downfall and horror on them, and he had come might close.

"Vyvienne, Cynder, Meinx, and Sevan are my children," he found that, given her lack of closeness with Eos, she deserved to know, "The children will make grand warriors...but they are all incarnations of Eos...I don't see them being the kind children Adravendi's typically are," or typically were. He had lost most of what tied him to Epiphron and chrysanthe, and yet something in him admitted this, he would never be able to turn back to who he was. it was a cold hard fact.

Maverick would finally come and Syrinx actually had to fight the urge to snarl at the man. No longer due to the fact he was with his sister, no, but namely due to the fact that he had beaten him at who would have her at their side. Still, it was fair to admit Syrinx was not the most capably sane. Perhaps Epiphron was better of in Seracia--sitting high as a Queen. He shook his head to him and gave him a firm nod of notification, and since his royal highness had arrived, Syrinx would jump right in, "You know we plan on going to war very soon. I came to request soldiers from you. Just a handfull. You know I plan on sending all children and those that can't fight here when it happens, but for the sake of defending who we are, we need a few to put in high ranks, and also one or two to run back here and alert you of the advancements," It was direct and to the point, Syrinx just prayed Seracia had more willing warriors than Valhalla did at the moment.