
Things have changed... and I yearn for those days past...



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-11-2022, 10:02 PM

He studied her as he spoke, noting both the subtle and obvious changes in her features as he went on. She seemed...shocked, at the fact that he didn't hate his nephew. A frown was clear on her face, and the alabaster male remained patient as she sorted herself. “While Gavroche and I breathe, neither of you will be forgotten. I swear it.” A small smile was given at her words, along with a nod of respect. "Thank you, Bellamy. Even though I am no longer part of your world, I see your loyalty to me still." And for that, he appreciated and respected her even more. She lowered herself to his level, which was appreciated because his neck was getting sore from having to look up now that she was so much taller than him.

“If what you say is true, Acere… then what can I do for him? I’ve no doubt that he hates me… I…” He shook his head. A sigh passing his lips. "I wish I had an easy answer for that. But the truth is, I'm not sure. I know not how much he has changed since my passing, nor do I know how strong the grip his demon has on his mind. So far, it doesn't seem as strong as my brothers was. Last I knew, Ignis did not rape, maim, nor harm someone with the exception of our last fight..." Brows furrowed then as he sat, tail wrapping around his paws. "I was patient with him...but who knows how much power his demon holds. From what I could tell last, it was...unpredictable. The Ignis I know still lives, but his demons may have had time to grow and sway him into further unpredictability. How did he look last you saw him? How has he changed?" He was curious, worried for his crimson nephew...he hadn't seen him since Winterfell had been taken. And from what he could guess, Ignis no longer had control of the pack he so violently fought for.

She told him a brief telling of what happened to her and Gavroche. Why she had disappeared without a word, and he nodded in understanding. "I am sorry you two had to go through that. Had I known, I would've done whatever it took to bring you two back safely. Gavroche is my friend as well, and although I had lost everything I worked to build, I would have tried to bring you both back home." He got up and walked towards her, close enough so that he could touch her nose with his as she voiced more of her personal concerns. "Aye, I often felt the same as you do now. Wondering if my decisions and choices were good enough, or if I was failing those around me. All we can do is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, to look back is to fall back. You've found your path, Bellamy. I think it's time to put to rest the demons that plague you, and to be the guiding light your family - and pack - now need. Protect them. Fight with them. Teach them. Grow with them. Help them. Your fierceness is a strength, not a hindrance. Your temper is a power that can be harnessed to aid you in protecting your family. When you have control of yourself, you have control of your path. I have no doubts you're walking the right one."

He smiled warmly, "As for goodbyes, we never really get the chance to say them, do we?" He sat back again, head tilting as his crimson gaze met hers. "Our paths are intertwined. They always have been. Even in death. You, my most loyal friend. I know you'll do great things, and that you'll be the best version of yourself. But remember, there is no light without the dark. We all have flaws, and whatever yours may be, is not always a bad thing. Our flaws coexist with our strengths. Where my flaw was trusting myself to do the right thing even if it was undeserved, I'd like to think my strength was still doing it, and overcoming the hurdles that came with a potentially wrong decision. To overcome is to grow, and you're well on your way there."
