
"She was screaming, so I killed her"


10-18-2013, 10:06 PM

They had gotten the pleasantries out of the way and now the time for games was done. He had refused to move, knowing better then to run blind into anything, a seasoned fighter, the De'Caesar calculated each ripple through her thick body, when he saw her tense, he knew she had taken the bait. Her teeth were bared and her hackles raised as she raced forward, she thought she was this big bad. That was amusing.

As she lunged forward he flung himself slightly to the side, barely missing him with her weight, though he wasn't as lucky with her bite. Though he missed the majority of the snap, he did catch the ends of her teeth and she pulled a good mouthful of long white hair from his face, he winced at the minor sting and then his brain seemed to roar with a massive wave of agony. He was used to this by now so he was able to stifle the snarl, but instead of taking the white light and turning it into nothing, he used it to fuel his desire to bleed her.

All her violent shaking did was rip the hair from his face, which actually made the pain easier to take since it was all at once instead of bit by bit. Looking like a bear stocking up for hibernating the thick woman rolled her scruff up, trying to protect to important viddles inside, like a tactician and artist like himself would waste the energy aiming for such a difficult spot? She glared at him as she stood, planted into the frozen ground with her hackles raised. He raised himself to his fullest height, proud and dangerous the ash dusted male smiled at her, the bright light above them glinting dangerously from the corner of his eye, locked onto her own lakes in defiance.

Being smaller then she was there was a good chance he was faster then she, now granted she did have the advantage of more muscle, but with more weight and muscle came slower speed. Dexter was agile on his feet, he had to be, he had to be quick and quiet, his father raised him to be an assassin, and a damned good one he was. He snarled as he pushed himself forward, his long legs carrying him quickly towards the femme, the entirety of his weight behind his charge as he came barreling at her. He snarled at her again as sharpened daggers snapped at her as he aimed to crash, he knew he wouldn't knock her over but a tremor was enough for him to aim those snapping jowls at the upper part of her front leg.