
Talking About Ouchie Bleedies




7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
11-12-2022, 04:37 PM

Gavroche’s son seemed to digest the information well. The winged wolf listened proudly to the boy repeating the info. He gave an approving nod, his green gaze showing with delight how easily his son caught on. “Very good.” Gav told him. Dorian had noticed that the bark could be dangerous at times as well. Gavroche nodded again at this before he spoke. “It will depend on the sort of herbs you have available and the type of wound, truthfully for some cuts, if they are available, you can use marigolds for example. Applying their petals on top of the wound can help treat them after they’ve been cleaned, as well as burns or insect bites and stings. Unfortunately, you’re not always going to have the best herb available, and that’s another reason I went with the bark. It was easier to find.” Gavroche drew in a breath.

“There will be times when your only choice will be to use an herb that has some sort of side effect. Arming yourself with the knowledge of these side effects can be very helpful in those situations. Not to mention there may be times when the benefits of using an herb outweigh the potential risks.” He explained, hoping that it would all make sense to the boy. He shifted a little, motioning back to the bark.

“Now, back to the bark. The poultice I mentioned is a wet bandage to be used over cuts. You can mix the bark in water if you have something to mix it in or you can chew it and apply the poultice directly. I’m going to have you practice tending to a wound as well, as well as making and applying the poultice.” At this, Gav leaned down, and, using his right canine tooth he sliced across his own foreleg. Blood welled up from the cut though it wouldn’t be anything dangerous. Then he lifted his head and looked back to his son.

“To treat a wound you must first take care of the bleeding, and clean the wound. Sometimes dirt will mix with the blood, or foliage, depending on how far a wolf travels before meeting with a healer. You will lick the wound clean or, if you have something you can dip in the water, like a cloth, fur, or wool, you can use that to clean the wound as well. At the end of the day though you’re going to use your own tongue to clean a lot of injuries. Now, come forward and lick the cut until the bleeding stops. From there I’ll have you work on the poultice, and then we’ll apply it.” Gavroche’s gaze softened. “You can do this, Dorian, believe in yourself.”

Gave another character a healing lesson (Dorian on White Willow Bark / Making a Poultice) -
2 / 3

Gave another character a healing lesson (Dorian on treating a cut) - 1 / 3

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.