
when happiness is a loaded gun


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Fighter (125)

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
11-13-2022, 01:42 AM
Quietly working away on his little kitty, he listened to the crunch of straw in his sisters grasp. Yeah, he knew there were plenty of bad feelings somewhere in the back of her mind. Their older brothers were so cruel to her and Vanta for being blind, and they weren’t all that nice to Crux either. It made him feel bad in a very different way, but he kept his mouth shut. Why make it worse by complaining for them?

”Yeah… bad feelings.” he sighed. He missed his mama. She was never gonna come home and he missed her so much every day. He wished they could go home, go back to before they ever came to this dumb castle and mom got sick. They were gonna go home with just dad, and have to think the whole way about how she wasn’t gonna be able to tuck them all into bed every night.

Before he knew it, there was a poorly constructed poppet resting between his little paws. The little kitty was lopsided, but all the legs were attached. The head lolled over at an odd angle, with two tufts of fur poking up to resemble ears. It looked sad. Like he felt, deep down inside. Kite spoke up, ready to toss her creation into the sacred flames. He glanced up, blinking away tears he didn’t realize were welling up in his little silver eyes. ”Yeah, let’s go. You can, uh, lean against me and.. I’ll tell you when to throw it?” he said quietly, lowering his head to pick up the little straw and fur poppet in his teeth.

He moved slowly, taking deliberate steps and doing his best to avoid wobbling precariously. He didn’t wanna knock Kite over as she was depending on him to lead the way and keep her from tumbling into a fire. Once he could feel the heat of it singing his whiskers, he stopped in his tracks. A gentle nudge of his cheek against Kite’s, and he sucked in a deep breath. ”On the count of three,” he said. And when he hit three, he tossed his little poppet into the flames. He could see it catch, being literally made of tinder and kindling, and by the time it landed in those smouldering coals it was nearly gone.

He wasn’t sure all of those bad feelings were gone with it.