
Old friend, come share a tale




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
11-13-2022, 04:21 AM
Outlaw had always brought a smile to the earthen wolf’s face and his joyful demeanor never failed to lift her spirit. Although their time together had been brief, she had felt so much love for the young dog and his hat. She remembers seeing him for the first time with how his hat had become the center of conversation. As she nears, his voice pulls a wide grin to her ethereal lips and a soft, joyful laugh fills the air around her as wags his tail happily and says she really did die. There was nothing dampening his spirit and Meadow pushes away her own regrets to enjoy his company.

Ghostly lips kiss his cheek and the happy dog laughs, pulling her grin into a big, beaming smile. Settling into a seated position across from him, she continues to smile while he talks, listening and nodding along as he talks. Meadow remembers the fun that they had, the laughter and happiness that they had shared that day and few other interactions they had. His question about her life has the smile faltering but she quickly recovers as she says, “Outlaw, I just need to say; I am sorry. Sorry for the way I left and didn’t say anything. I remembered you every day after I left and I missed you, dearly.”

A sigh rolls past her delicate lips and she stands, moving to Outlaw’s side and turning to face out over the ocean before sitting down again. Silence fills the space between them for a moment and Outlaw breaks the spell by speaking about her daughter. A smile once more finds a way to her ghostly maw and Meadow speaks, emotion is woven in her words, “After I left the Hallows, I went in search of myself. I never felt like I belonged… anywhere. Well, not fully. Because of that, I ran away from everything… from everyone. It was difficult but I found a roaming band of nomads and we traveled the world.”

A smile appears as she watches the rolling waves crash into the beach, spilling foam over the golden sands. The emotion that been present in her words softens as she continues to speak, a gentle acceptance taking hold, “In my travels I saw many strange and wonderful things! You would have loved them. There were the most breathtaking sunrises and the most colorful sunsets. Yet, in my travels, I never found anywhere I loved quite like here. I spent so long running from myself that I lost all sense of home. Then, when everything seemed lost, I got pregnant.”

Her tail wags slowly behind her ethereal body as she remembers the profound joy she had felt when she gave birth to Fern and her brothers and another sigh fills the air as she lovingly remembers the days spent with her children. A laugh bubbles out as a ghostly paw suddenly waves through the air and Meadow says, “Ah! I talk too much! Tell what I have missed Outlaw! How have you been? Do you have a family now? Are you happy?” His question has the dead wolf tilting her head as she says, “Well, I don’t think there is a time-limit per say. I mean, I do have to leave at times to go recharge my batteries but I can come back! … for now.”

A part of Meadow knows this won’t last forever but she tries not to focus on that, because, right now, she is here where with Outlaw and that is all that matters.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm