
Agni Kai

The Final Showdown



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-13-2022, 06:29 PM

Oxx was knocked from his perch and he landed hard on the rocks just before he felt teeth cut into his shoulder. Ooo, they weren't normal teeth either. God damn. He'd just been about to get his dick wet a second time too. Whoever this was on him was a total cock blocker. The striped beast curled his neck, snapping his jaws and trying to dislodge his attacker. It was not to be. Even if he had pushed the black and white brute away, another set of teeth found their way into his knee. Had the little bastard brought an entire army with him? It was cute in a way, to know that he was so very threatening that Artorias needed reinforcements rather than face him like a man.

The teeth in his knee pulled hard and Oxx, probably aiding the wolf with his struggling, felt something come loose. More paws scratching frantically at the stones solidified the moment in the bastard brutes mind. This was to finally be the end. With one leg out of commission, he wouldn't be running anywhere. No matter how skilled he was, it would be difficult, if not damn near impossible, to kill four wolves in his current state. That didn't mean that he wouldn't leave them with some reminders though. Again and again he snapped and snarled, teeth latching into fur and flesh here and there. He wouldn't go down easily, but he was resigned to the fact that he would indeed go down.

Life was tedious and now that his mother was dead, there was no real purpose anymore. Fuck, sleep, bite a little here and there, cause some chaos to chase away the boredom. There was no real drive anymore. He'd had a very good run, but it was time to end it. Time to release his mortal coil. Who knew what fun he could have in the afterlife? Would he be reborn? What trouble could he get into then? None of this really mattered, afterall. Dying was just another part of living. So, as the foursome of wolves ripped into him, Oxx laughed. Lips peeled back in a joyous grin, flashing bloodied fangs. Even as the antler tine slid into his eye, sending a river of viscous liquid and blood rushing down his cheek, Oxx laughed.

He recognized the mottled male, but he wasn't important. The black and white and the earthen spattered, he didn't know them and they didn't matter. Artorias had all of Oxx's attention. He'd been the most fun. He'd grown the most thanks to the striped behemoths brutal tutelage. Speaking of Artorias, the black and blue man had regained his silver fang, holding it close as though it was some sort of security blanket. The man spoke, all pomp and bluster. He even threw some Carpathian at him. How utterly cute!

The grin never left Oxx's bloodied maw as he stared at the younger wolf. The other three had melted away and it was only the two of them. Stripped of his name? Forgotten? Oh no... not at all. A low, throaty chuckle reverberated through the dead man's wide chest, his grin never fading, even as he stared up at the sword that would ultimately end him. "Words are wind," he told the boy, repeating words that his sister, Iolaire, had spoken time and time again. "You don't have the power. No one does." One couldn't have a name stripped from them. It was just an idea that one expected others to follow along with. "As for being forgotten, you can't do that either. Not until you and all of your siblings are dead in the ground." The grin widened. "You'll always remember me. Your tailless brother will always remember me. Your sweet, vomitous sister will always remember me." Another low chuckle pulled from him and he sighed, almost content before placing his cheek against the ground.

Oxx thought for a moment as he lay there, moments from the end. Then he said something that others might find rather uncharacteristic. "If you ever see my sister again, tell her that I loved her til the end." Despite everything that had happened in his life, the atrocities that he'd committed, he'd never felt animosity towards Iolaire. She was just as innocent as he had been. As murderous as he was, he'd never had the desire to harm her.

Perhaps it was wrong for someone such as him to find peace in his final moments, but that was exactly what Oxx was feeling. Peaceful, happy, serene. A sigh of contentment blew past bloodied and cut lips and an easy smile was on his maw as his remaining eye closed. He didn't even feel the bite of the blade as Artorias removed his head and took his life. He was almost proud of the azure and obsidian man for that.

And just like that, Oxx's reign ended.

"Oxx Carpathius"

Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.