
A lot has changed. Let's make another


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-13-2022, 07:44 PM

That was fast!  It hadn’t taken his brother much time at all to get there.  Rudy’s grin matched Art’s  He had loved being out there exploring and spending so much time alone with Fern and yet it was great to see his brother once again.  There had always been a special connection with him and young memories of bad and good times that the two shared to fully understand the meaning of such things.  

“There’s always something brewing in my mind,” Rudy snickered with the reply.  “This one just happens to be more meaningful than a lot of them.  Fern’s doing good and as much as they kick it seems the pups inside are going to be a handful.  Going by Fern’s judgment I’m a bit overly worried about her, a tad too protective.  How’d you do on that?” Rudy smirked, “I wasn’t gone all that long and you already had kids before I returned.”  The motley wolf had been thrilled when he'd learned Art had pups but Rudy wished he'd been there earlier to see the children born.

He could talk about this at any time and anywhere though, he had called Art for an actual formal detail this time.  Dad-talk was sure to happen but might as well get to business first.  “I’ve got a wife now, and soon I’ll have kids.  With life having changed a bit I was rethinking the rest of the details with life.  Art, there’s one more change I want.  I’m ready for the high councilor role.” It wasn’t just about asking for the status s his brother but letting him know Rudy was ready for those responsibilities.  

The pack had always been family that he had wanted to protect.  Up till now being vanguard was protecting it.  Now Rudyard was going to be a dad and there was a bigger picture.  He needed to help the pack as more than just fighting and hunting now.  Time to prove to the entire pack he was more than an impulsive risk-taking wolf.  What had happened to the Rudyard who had wanted to be a second alpha?  High councilor wasn’t an alpha but it was one who more closely helped assist Art than the role of vanguard.  It would mean more responsibilities and that was exactly what Rudy was after.
