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Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
11-13-2022, 08:24 PM

The girl introduced herself as Fiametta—Fia for short—and Stolas nodded with a smile. That was an easy name to remember, and he had never seen a wolf look like her before, so it would be easy to recognize her as well. Fia told him when her birthday was, and the young prince had to remember what star signs the late fall season fell within. "Um... okay, late autumn... That's under Scorpio, I believe." He looked back up to the sky, looking to the left, then the right, trying to get his bearings of the night canvas above, reading the heavens like one would read words from a scroll. He lifted a dark paw and pointed off to the western side of the sky. "So since it's not fall yet, your stars are still just over that horizon. They'll be more visible when it gets closer to your birthday, and I'll be able to read them better then." If Fia was interested, he would be happy to bring his grimoire out to Elysium to stargaze and give her a more thorough astrology reading.

Stolas took a deep breath and tried to recall everything he'd read about the Scorpio star sign for her. "So wolves born under a Scorpio sky are logical and resourceful. They are passionate and tenacious. Loyal to a fault, someone who can always be relied on," he began, pausing every so often to try and recall what the pages of his book had said from memory. "A Scorpio wolf's jealousy can turn into possessiveness if not checked, however, and jealousy can be born from that if they aren't careful. Their temper can be short if provoked, and they don't shy away from violence. This springs from their passion, which like a fire, smolders with pleasant warmth, but can also burn you if you aren't careful." Stolas tried to remember any more, but it was honestly a miracle that he could recall what he had. He hadn't been through autumn with his grimoire yet, so his studies hadn't gotten that far yet.

The adolescent prince glanced over to Fia, hoping she hadn't taken offense to anything he'd recited from her star sign. "Of course, none of this is written in stone. The predictions and prophecies of the stars are always evolving. This isn't even the full extent of your prophecies, since I can't see your stars right now. Maybe we can read them again in the autumn and get a clearer prediction for you if you'd like?"
