




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
11-14-2022, 11:37 AM

If there was one thing that Manea always appreciated it was Kavik's enthusiasm for everything she asked of him—especially anything of a sexual nature. Of course she hadn't really expected anything less from the brute, but she still enjoyed it all the same. She gave a pleased hum as Kavik returned the light affections to her ear, still leaning into his chiseled form as she tempted him with the surprise that she had waiting for him. As he told her to lead the way, she stepped away from his side with a glance back to toss him a sly grin—and to let her gaze unabashedly roam over his body that was on full display with his usually plush coat now clinging to his form from his dip in the ocean. She'd get him inside and warm and dry in no time, but in the mean time she was going to enjoy the bit of an unintentional show he was putting on for her. She began to talk up toward the mountain path that would bring them up to his cave, signaling for one of her ravens along the way and telling them to go alert Chade about the salmon that were waiting to be collected from the beach. Her master hunter could see to getting those put away while she saw to rewarding Kavik for his recent loyalty.

It wasn't a long walk back to his home, but she still took the opportunity to tease him a bit, her tail intentionally brushing under his chin or across his shoulder as she walked, tempting him with the slight sway of her hips as she led him toward his surprise. She knew he hardly needed the tempting to get him in the mood, but it was still fun to tease him a bit regardless. When she lead him into the den, she spotted the two vials waiting for them by his bed, the slightly glittering gold liquid popping out against the gray stone of the cave. "Ah, here we go," she said with a chuckle, walking across the room to retrieve the two doses of Irilyth's signature concoction before she turned back to Kavik with a smirk. She hadn't known if Irilyth would be here waiting on them, but it seemed like her sweet lover had opted to let them take the drug on their own—but Manea had no doubt she was near by to make her observations and notes.

Manea settled back onto her haunches and held out one of the vials to Kavik, giving him a lecherous grin. "Take it," she told him simply without any explanation. She decided it would be more interesting for him to simply experience the effects of it without the context of what he should be expecting, and maybe a better sample for Irilyth to observe so she'd know that there was no placebo effect in play here. Manea fully believed in the effectiveness of her little healer's creation, but she was curious to see how it was going to effect her paramour. After Kavik had taken the vial from her she pulled the stopper off of her own and with another smirk she drank the delightful liquid. "Irilyth calls this Ambrosia," she told him as she put the stopper back on the small bottle and sat it off to the side. "I have a feeling you're going to enjoy it."

"Manea Mendacium"