




6 Years
Dire wolf
11-14-2022, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2022, 04:36 PM by Kavik. Edited 1 time in total.)
Kavik would have followed Manea to the ends of the earth if it meant getting to bed the sylphic alphess, so the short walk back through the woods and up the mountain path was nothing for him, not with the promise of what lay at the end of their walk. He didn't miss the way Manea's hungry gaze roamed freely over his form with his wet fur clinging to his toned physique, every rippling muscle displayed for her viewing pleasure. It turned him on knowing the Matriarch desired him so greatly, a sense of power and pride coming with her attention. He smirked, unafraid to show off a bit of his ego while she continued to stroke it for him. The walk up to his den was short, but it wasn't without its little games. Manea teased him with swishes of her feathery tail beneath his chin, drawing his gaze down to her shapely rump and swaying hips—and to what lay hidden beneath. His smirk grew to a roguish, lustful grin and icy eyes shone with a barely contained hunger. He replied by leaning in closer to nip at her rump with playful teeth, shooting the violet fae a devilish look that did nothing to conceal his eagerness for whatever she had planned for them.

The two dire wolves arrived soon after at his den, slipping inside and heading straight for his bed. Manea led the way to the pile of plush and soft furs, spotting something that delighted her. The arctic wolf tipped his head in a curious show while he examined the vial Manea held out for him. She gave him no explanation other than the directive to drink it. Kavik quirked a questioning brow to the enigmatic instructions, but took the glass bottle in one giant paw regardless, taking a tentative sniff of the golden-colored liquid contained within. It smelled faintly sweet, like a sugar or syrup. "Are you trying to poison me already?" he teased her with chuckled words. Glancing up at Manea again with silent inquisitiveness, Kavik watched while the Mendacium woman downed the contents of her own vial without any hesitation, still giving him that lecherous grin all the while. "Well, I guess that answers that question." With Manea's potion ingested, Kavik threw caution to the wind and tossed the golden liquid back, downing it in one large swallow.

No sooner had the last drop of the drug passed over his lips, white auds perked to catch Manea's reply. The drink was called Ambrosia, manufactured by the lead healer of the pack. Manea also said he would enjoy it. "Is that so?" he asked with another chuckle, carefully setting his empty bottle aside next to Manea's as well. "And why do you get that feeling, gorgeous?" Slowly closing the distance between them, Kavik moved to sidle up to Manea until his body was pressing into hers, reclining back onto his haunches with her. One large paw lifted to touch Manea's foreleg, gliding ever so slowly up to her shoulder and then roaming down the smooth, slender planes of her sides, digits combing through her luxurious fur to trace her feminine curves with great appreciation. While he waited to see what would happen after taking the Ambrosia, Kavik decided he didn't want to wait any longer. Leaning in closer, he brought his mouth down to claim Manea's in a slow, sensual kiss, icy blue eyes slowly drifting closed while he focused on the sensations that kissing Manea always stirred within him and savoring them like he were sampling a fine wine.

He wasn't sure how long he was kissing Manea for. It could have been a minute or two, or an hour, but the next thing Kavik knew, he began to feel a pleasant tingling warmth gradually spreading out from his core, reaching across his skin like a warm blanket being wrapped around him. Every nerve in his body felt electrified and alive, hyper sensitive to the touch of Manea's soft fur and warm skin under his paw. The paw that was stroking her side slowly made its way up the side of her neck to caress the back of her head, subtly holding her to him so she couldn't pull away. His breathing deepened, the warmth continuing to slowly smolder hotter and hotter inside his body. Pale lips parted Manea's with gentle insistence, his tongue dipping into her maw to taste her as their kiss deepened. A low, lustful sound crossed between a groan and a growl rumbled in the dire brute's chest as a restlessness steadily rose within him. It didn't feel like he was close enough to Manea now, even with their bodies pressed together and making out with her. With the strange sensations showing no sign of ebbing or fading, Kavik was forced to break their lips apart, the brute gasping for breath as blue eyes snapped open to gaze into Manea's with a growing frenzy the likes of which he'd never felt before. "Manea..." Kavik rasped through heavy breaths, his lips hovering just barely away from hers to where he could feel her every heated exhale, a carnal grin playing on his muzzle with cool eyes smoldering with hot lust. "I think that drug is starting to kick in…"

"Kävik av Fjellen"