
The Blackened Water's Call


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
11-14-2022, 09:09 PM
Aresenn nodded along as he continued his own personal investigation. It would make sense if it came in by the ocean. But regardless of where it came from, like Rivin said, it surely was here to stay now. "No, I bet you're right about that." The fire-marked pup agreed. It was likely that the only reason why the structure remained upright was for the cave holding it up around it. Though, at least the floor was sturdy enough. As warped and weathered as it was, it didn't give him the impression that it was even close to reaching the end of its lifespan.

The iron cylinders were a different story. "I don't know ..." Nor did he have any clue as to what they could be. Walking around the side, he approached the opening towards the rail at the edge. Sticking his nose up to its brim ... he couldn't smell much more than the salinity in the air from the ocean. Hooking a paw just inside, he flexed his toes- attempting to scratch the inner surface as hard as he could. After a couple of swipes, Aresenn took another whiff. What he was met with was a little harsher than what he was expecting. "It smells faintly smokey on the inside if you put your nose up to it. Like maybe there was a fire in it at some point." Taking a step back, he sought out the emerald gaze that belonged to his sister. "It's hard to say, though." He finished, a little more meekly.

Allowing his attention to wander, he questioned what more there was to see of the ship. So far ... the deck was well ... just a deck- a floor made out of old wood with some old junk on top of it. Surely there was something much cooler to see.